Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Writer's Inspiration

I've been buried beneath a deadline recently, so today I'm sharing a bit of writing inspiration. Perhaps it'll motive and encourage those of you who are also striving to meet a writing goal. Speaking of, let me know in the comments what you're working on! 

(Oh, in case you're wondering ... I've been working on my coffee devotional for teens. I was recently told that it'll be released in September 2018. Yay! You can sign up for my mailing list for updates.) =)

Feel free to share these images on social media!


Which quote is your favorite and why?

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Staircase to Somewhere: Writing with the Steps in Mind - Guest Post by Caroline George

Caroline George, author of The Prime Way Program and The Vestige, resides in Nashville where she spends the majority of her time in hipster coffeehouses, sipping lavender mochas and undertaking over-the-top projects. She is a two-time Georgia Author of the Year nominee, speaker, blogger and writer for teen magazine Pursue. Caroline studies publishing and public relations at Belmont University and works as a publicist for local artists.

People love victory. They cheer when their favorite sports teams win. They give medals to those who cross finish lines first, who perform better than their competitors.

Writing functions with a different set of rules. For example, writers do not have a finish line, only the chance to take another step. In fact, writing shouldn’t be viewed as a race, rather an infinite flight of stairs. Each time someone writes a piece of literature, they climb higher. Whenever they post on their blog, enhance their social media, they rise another few inches. This reality of pursuing an author career shouldn’t be discouraging—it gives one the incredible chance to try again, move forward, and have options regardless of their steps’ successes.

I have climbed three full steps in the past five years. My first two books in The Prime Way Trilogy taught me how to take large strides, while my latest book, The Vestige, showed me how to scale my staircase like a professional. I love strategizing my next steps. I value the opportunity to grow stronger and fitter during the process of reaching new heights.

The sooner a writer begins their journey up the staircase, the more steps they’ll be able to climb. Many creatives don’t take a step until their mid-adulthood. However, young people who are determined and passionate about words can take more leaps, develop their skills, and ultimately, use their gifts to not only reach high stairs, but also set an example for those hesitating below.

Encouraging Facts:

You are equipped and able to climb your staircase.

There is room for you in the publishing industry.

What you write matters.

How you climb your steps will inspire others to begin their journey.

Age and time are not against you. Whether you are fourteen or sixty-four, you are capable of taking strides toward your goals.

The trek can become exhausting. There are moments in my writing career when I lose endurance and stall on certain levels.

During those times, I find others who share my passions. Together, with locked arms, we help each other reach new heights.

Takeaway: Writing isn’t an easy process, but you have every opportunity at your feet. All you have to do is take the first step.

Question for you: What does your "staircase" look like currently? Where do you hope it will take you?

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Can Age Keep Us From Pursuing Our Dreams?

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At twenty-three years old, I'm often mistaken for a teenager. A fifteen-year-old. Fortunately, this doesn't bother me as much as it used to, especially not in the way it did when I actually was a teen. But growing up, I often felt older, more mature, than my peers; perhaps it's because I'm the youngest in my family and the youngest of thirteen cousins.

I felt older, yet my appearance gave the false impression that I was younger. And because of that, I resented my youth. I wanted to be older. To be treated with more respect. 

Especially when it came to pursuing my passions.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

The Problem With Adverbs & Adjectives

When I was in elementary school, I was taught to incorporate as many adjectives and adverbs into my stories as possible.

My writing sounded like this:

The big, fat, yellow sun shined brightly against the light blue sky.

Colorful, isn’t it? And yet, sometimes those colors are the very things that distract the reader from the story. Literary agent, Sally Apokedak, puts it this way: “…too much description makes the colors all bleed together.”

Nowadays, adjectives and adverbs are considered to be lazy writing. They tend to tell the action, emotion, scenery, etc. instead of allowing the reader to experience it for themselves.

Friday, August 4, 2017

No More Shuffle and Drag - Guest Post by Katy Kauffman + Giveaway!


Katy Kauffman is an award-winning author and poet, an editor and a designer of Refresh Bible Study Magazine, and a monthly contributor to She has taught the Bible to women and teens, and her books focus on winning life’s spiritual battles. She had the privilege of compiling Breaking the Chains, which released this spring. Katy loves spending time with family and friends, traveling to new places, and discovering the best-tasting gluten free food. She makes her home near Atlanta, Georgia. Connect with her at her blog, Life with God, and on Facebook and Twitter.

Shuffle, shuffle, drag. Shuffle, shuffle, drag. When we’ve said yes to a negative attitude, it can become like a chain that we have to drag with us every day. At home, at school, with friends. It attaches itself to us, and even though we don’t want it sticking to us, it’s hard to shake it loose. Know what I mean?

Do you need to be free of an angry spirit? Do you find yourself depending too much on self instead of God? How about overcoming fear or loneliness? Saying yes to these things can create a bondage to them—an inability to break free. A bondage that we need God’s help to break. He’s willing to help us. Every time. Are we willing to do what’s necessary to break the chains that bind us?

In the new book, Breaking the Chains, you’ll find proven strategies for overcoming such chains as anger, self-reliance, fear, loneliness, low self-esteem, and bad thoughts. As God’s children, we don’t have to allow these things to take over our lives. With God’s help, we can overcome these spiritual hang-ups and live free of them. Free to enjoy God and life with Him. Free to be a great friend. Free to pursue God’s dreams for us, dreams that are often bigger than our own. But dreams and chains don’t go together. It will be hard to realize our dreams if we go through life with a “shuffle and drag” reality.

Don’t let anything hold you back from the freedom God wants you to have. Use Scripture and proven strategies to break your chains and flourish in your relationships and the adventures God has for you.

This week, Tessa and I are holding a giveaway for an e-book copy of Breaking the Chains and a brass necklace whose pendant says “Freedom.” To enter the giveaway, leave a comment below (the giveaway will be open for one week starting today). This book shares personal stories of struggles and victory, relevant Scripture, and many ways to overcome spiritual chains. Twenty people have contributed to this book, passing along twenty perspectives on how to break free. We also have some great short stories that illustrate a particular struggle and how to overcome it.

Enter the giveaway to receive this necklace!
Details above. 

Are you shuffling and dragging something right now? Don’t let any chains keep you from experiencing life with God as He designed it. Depend on His help, form a battle plan for victory, and break the chains that are holding you back. Freedom doesn’t have to be a distant dream. It can be your reality.

Question for you: How would you define the word "freedom"?

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

UNWRITTEN MELODY is Now Available in Paperback!

I received a special package from my publisher the other day ... ! 

It's the paperback of my YA inspirational romance novel, UNWRITTEN MELODY! You can now add the physical copy to your physical bookshelves. Yes, this means you’re free to dog-ear the pages. Highlight passages that might resonate with you. Sniff the printed ink. Admire the amazingly soft cover.

Not only that: You can purchase an autographed copy for only $20 (includes shipping and you'll receive free book swag!). If you’re interested, send me an email at tessaemilyhall (at) gmail (dot) com by August 15th and notify me of how many copies you would like to purchase and who you would like the books to be made out to. (Payments will be paid via PayPal, check, or the app, Cash. US only—sorry!)

** Psst ... This is an amazing deal considering the book is available on Amazon paperback for $16.99! **

The cover is wonderfully soft.

You'll also receive these beautiful handmade bookmarks!

For those of you who may not know, UNWRITTEN MELODY released last fall by Clean Reads in Kindle format. Here are some of the reader responses (pulled from reviews on Amazon/Goodreads):

“UNWRITTEN MELODY pulls on your heart strings in all the right places … 
This is a story you will want to read again and again." 
 ~ Katy Kauffman, award-winning author, Refresh Bible Study Magazine editor, and co-founder of Lighthouse Bible Studies

“I enjoyed every moment of this book.”

“It was so hard to put this book down.”

"To say that I was blown away by this book is an understatement."


"I knew the characters, understood them, felt for them, laughed aloud, and cried for them."

"A fiction novel that can stir so many emotions is always a great read to me. Author, Tessa Hall, does exactly that."

"Unwritten Melody by Tessa Emily Hall has a gentle pace, but a strong emotional impact that will inspire young adults to hold on to hope and follow their dreams."


"Overall a touching story beautifully rendered by Tessa Emily Hall."

"Overall, Unwritten Melody is a must read, and a must re-read for me. 
Go grab yourself a copy today!"


2017 Next Generation Indie Book Awards Finalist in Young Author 

Does breaking free require breaking the rules?

Cassie Gilbert lives every day in the shadows of her deceased mom's rebellion. But now that she's seventeen, she finds herself longing to break away from her grandmother's suffocating rules, experience what it's like to be a regular teenager, and fulfill her songwriting dreams.

James Russo, former American Spotlight contestant, escapes to small town Willow Creek, SC hoping to flee from his tarnished past. When a school project pairs him with the shy principal's granddaughter, he's determined to get to know this Emily-Dickinson-obsessed and typewriter-using girl. His plan? Convince Cassie to co-write songs for his demo album.

As Cassie gets to know James over "project meetings" (more like opportunities to match her lyrics with his melodies), she becomes intrigued by his sense of adventure and contagious passion for music. But soon, his past becomes exposed. Cassie's left to wonder--did she make the same mistake Mom did by falling for the bad boy?

Then, Grandma's control pushes her over the edge. Cassie must choose between remaining in the chains of yesterday, or delving into her own freedom by completing the melody her mom left behind.

You can purchase/view the book on Amazon here.

I hope everyone’s been having an amazing summer! =)

Question for you: Do you prefer Kindle or physical copies? Why?