Wednesday, January 25, 2017

How to Navigate Today’s Publishing Industry P.4: Setting Out on the Journey

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If you haven’t noticed, I write a lot about the publishing/writing journey on this blog. It’s because I’m passionate about not only for writing, but the entire process — from the initial dream {Part 1}, charting your course {Part 2 & Part 3}, and finally, to setting out on the journey.

This journey isn't easy. There are roadblocks. Dead ends. Yellow lights. Stop lights. And often, we might have to make a big decision — which path to take? — that will alter the course of the rest of our career. We’ll need to stay aware of the traffic signs (warnings from professionals, manuscript criticism, etc.) to prevent potential crashes.

We might reach high points in our journey — times of breathtaking scenery. When an agent shows interest. When we receive positive feedback from a critique partner. Win a writing contest.

Yet other times, the road will become bumpy, scenery will become dull, and the road will seem never-ending. We’ll start to wonder why we don’t release the steering wheel, put the car in park, and give up entirely.

But if we don’t keep going, then we’ll never know what could lie on the other side.

If you’re planning to set out on your writing journey, believe me when I say that it’s going to be a journey of a lifetime. Literally. Because if you’re in this thing for the long haul, then don’t assume the journey ends once you reach your destination (publication).

But where do you start? How can you break down what we discussed in Part 2 & 3 and take action?

Each writer’s journey is unique. But in effort to help you set out on yours, I’ve created a sample aspiring author’s journey toward publication below. We’ll call her Aspiring Author Anne.

Below are steps we’ve discussed in previous posts and a summary of how Aspiring Author Anne puts them into action …

→ 1) Carve out a block of time to write consistently and create deadlines that will push you further.

How Aspiring Author Anne puts this into action:

She examines her schedule and discovers that she has a block of 20 minutes in the morning that she can dedicate to writing before she leaves for college classes. Not much, but better than nothing!

She has also written her realistic goals on her calendar. She’s hoping to write 1000 words per week. If she doesn’t achieve this goal, then she’s going to wake up an hour earlier on Saturday and make sure her weekly goal has been met.

→ 2) While writing your book, also carve out time to invest in developing your craft.

How Aspiring Author Anne puts this into action:

Since Anne is a full-time college student, she doesn’t have much time to study an area that isn’t related to her school studies; however, she’s decided to make writing a priority in her life as well. Because of that, she’s subscribed to a list of podcasts that she can listen to while she does her chores on Saturday afternoons and while she drives.

She also noticed that she can read a writing craft book during her free time — when she would normally watch a movie or check Facebook.

→ 3) Eventually create social media profiles and possibly a blog. 

How Aspiring Author Anne puts this into action:

Anne is already active on social media, especially on Instagram. So that’s not a problem.

However, she isn’t as engaged with her target audience as she should be. So, she finds people to follow on Instagram and begins to interact on their posts. Soon, she receives several new followers within that network. She makes sure that engaging on Instagram becomes another priority and is active consistently. She doesn’t have the time to blog, but she does read blogs in her spare time and occasionally comments. This research helps her understand what goes into a good blog and it gives her ideas as to what she would eventually like to blog about when she graduates college.

→ 4) When you’re done with the book, take a break and set it aside. Then, read through it and self-edit. Find critique partners/join a critique group. Consider hiring a freelance editor.

How Aspiring Author Anne puts this into action:

Finally, after an entire year, Anne has finished writing her book! She takes a break from writing and uses her dedicating-writing time to study editing books. Then, she uses what she’s learned through those books to edit her manuscript from an objective standpoint. This takes months, but thankfully she finds more time during the summer to edit.

When it’s time for school to start back, Anne decides to join ACFW and finds an online critique partner through that organization. She’s careful about the feedback she receives and only uses feedback she believes will excel her writing.

Finally, her manuscript’s revisions are complete! She would love to hire a freelance editor, but she’s a college student and can’t afford one at the time. She does, however, give her book a final read-through before moving onto the next step.

→ 5) When your manuscript is polished, research agents. You can also look into attending a writer’s conference, where you’ll have the possibility to meet with them face-to-face. Consider entering your book into writing contests.

How Aspiring Author Anne puts this into action:

Anne checks out the current “Writer’s Market Guide” from the library and makes a list of 10 agents who represent her genre. After researching each agent and their agency to make sure they’re trustworthy, she writes a query letter and begins submitting to her list. She keeps track of her submissions and rejections in an Excel Spreadsheet. After seven months of receiving rejections and wondering if she should give up, Anne finally receives interest from an agent! He requests the full manuscript and signs with her three months later. By this time, she’s already graduated from college.

The end … Well, really it’s only the beginning for Soon-to-Be Author Anne. ;)

~ ~ ~

Questions for you...

Are you struggling with setting out on your writing journey? Is there a certain stage you’re stuck on or an obstacle you need to overcome? Let me know in the comments!


Friday, January 20, 2017

Announcing the digital launch of PURSUE Magazine, Issue No. 1! {+Giveaway!}

This time last year, the magazine I'd dreamt of since I was a pre-teen was preparing for the release of its blog/website. Now, I'm excited to announce that our first digital issue will be available to order on April 15th, 2017!

What is PURSUE?

PURSUE is an online magazine that encourages and inspires girls to make the most of their youth by pursuing God, tapping into who He has created them to be, embracing their uniqueness, and learning to how to sustain health. It is a general interest and Christian-based magazine that covers topics in life, encouragement & motivation, inspiration, arts & creativity, and beauty & fashion.

We strive to provide clean, inspiring, and positive media for young girls that will encourage them to pursue God and live the life He's called them to live. Our vision is to create an online community for teen girls where they can go to find support and encouragement in their walk with Christ. 

How can you help? {+ enter a giveaway!}

The only way PURSUE will accomplish our vision is if our readers share it with their friends and engage in the community! 

Here's what you can do:

  • Join our street team. {Click here to join!} On this street team, you'll receive a free copy of the digital issues in exchange for a free review posted on Amazon (if you're interested). You'll also receive behind-the-scene peeks, exclusives, first looks, members-only giveaways, and more!
  • Follow us on social media. You can follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Ideas: Invite your friends to follow our Facebook page; retweet our Tweets; re-gram our Instagram posts, or tag your friends in the comments of our pictures; re-pin our Pinterest posts; pin images from our blog to your Pinterest boards. 
  • Comment on our blog posts! Is there a post on our blog that resonated with you? Let us know in the post's comments!
  • Share the posts on your social media. You can do this by providing a link on your Facebook, Twitter, or taking a picture of it and sharing it on Instagram.

By supporting PURSUE, you're supporting our vision to provide clean and inspiring media for teens. 

To thank you for your efforts, one person will win a $25 gift card to To enter, all you have to do is comment below and let me know what you did to help spread the word!

Thanks, everyone! I look forward to sharing this issue with you! =D

** {PS ... Are you a photographer? Would you -- or someone you know -- be interested in submitting photography for our magazine on a volunteer basis? Send us an email at pursuemagazine(at)gmail(dot)com!} **

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

How to Navigate Today’s Publishing Industry P.3: Charting Your Course Continued

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As I mentioned earlier in this series, the quest toward becoming an author in today's industry looks quite different than it did several years ago. There's more involved than simply sitting at your computer and penning a good story.

{For the beginning of this series, view  Part 1 here  and  Part 2 here .}

Today I’m covering the final steps an aspiring author should take on their quest toward publication….

→ Step 3: Writer spends necessary time editing, revising, and rewriting. They may join a critique group during this time or send the manuscript to their critique partner.

Charting the course:

The editing stage is the most important part of the writing process. This is when the mess that the writer created during the draft stages transforms into a story. Because of that, it’s important that writers spend as much time on this stage as necessary.

For some writers, this is the dreaded stage, but it doesn’t have to be! The hard part of putting the story down is over; now it’s time to form that lump of clay into a piece of art.

Below are books I’ve read and recommend during the self-edit stages:

It’s also advised that writers get involved in a critique group, and/or find a critique partner. The most important thing is that you continue to apply what you’ve learn about the craft to unveil the best story possible. There will always be room to improve. If you want to take it a step further, consider hiring a professional editor. ( Click here to learn more about my affordable editing rates .)

→ Step 4: Writer pitches to agents and/or publishers. They may attend a writing conference during this time and meet them face-to-face.

Charting the course:

This step should only be taken when the writer feels that their manuscript is ready. This means that they’ve written the best manuscript to their ability and have taken necessary steps to edit and polish it.

Then, when it’s time, they’ll send it off to the real world.

This process, I hate to break it to you, can last for months — if not years.

There are plenty ways to find an agent: Through writing conferences, referrals, Writer’s Digest, Writer’s Market Guide, agency blogs, writing contests, etc.

As you do your research, make sure to pitch to agents who represent your genre and are currently looking to build their client list. You especially will want to adhere to their submission guidelines. How embarrassing would it be to have a rejection simply because you neglected to follow their rules!

Prepare yourself for rejection, because it’s inevitable in this industry. Use the feedback you’re given to improve as an author, then continue knocking on doors until the right one opens. (Important note: Don’t necessarily walk through the first door that opens. Research the agent and their clients. Get to know them and their work style. Settling for a bad agent is worst than having zero agent at all.)

→ Step 5: While the writer waits, he/she continues to grow their platform, hone their craft, and begins their next project.

Charting the course:

Spend your waiting time wisely! If you’re stagnant in your writing journey then you risk going in reverse. Writers should always be moving forward, and there are plenty of ways we can do so.

Here’s what you can do while you wait:

  • Begin a new project
  • Read writing craft books
  • Read writing craft blogs (Hint: Comment on agency blogs)
  • Research the trends in publishing
  • Grow your platform
  • Attend conferences and workshops
  • Build your writing resume by submitting to magazines and blogs
  • Enter contests (Hint: Many agents discover new clients through contest winners. Plus, winning a contest means you’re more likely to garner attention of an agent and it looks amazing on a proposal/query.)

Show potential agents that you’re not just seeking publication; rather, you’re seeking to build a career in writing. Agents want to sign with writers who are engaged in the writing community and actively work toward their growth as a novelist—even during the waiting seasons. (Trust me, there are plenty of them!)

Now that you know which steps to take, there’s no better time than now than to begin your journey! In next week’s post I’ll help you break down these steps even further so you’ll be prepared to set out on your own unique publishing path.

~ ~ ~

Questions for you...

Which step of this journey are you currently on? How long have you been on this step? Where do you hope to be in your writing journey this time next year?


 How can an aspiring author plan their publishing journey? Tips from @TessaEmilyHall #pubtips #writerslife 

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

How to Navigate Today’s Publishing Industry P.2: Charting Your Course

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Pursuing publication can be a difficult and confusing feat for today's aspiring novelist. That's why I've created this series, How to Navigate Today's Publishing Industry. I want to help YOU, Aspiring Author, understand the path to publication by comparing it to a road trip. Because when you break it down to its rawest form, that's what this is, anyway. A journey. One that should continue long after you first reach the "destination" (publication).  

As I mentioned last week, today's aspiring author first needs the publication “address” (research how to become published). They can then plug it into the GPS (create mini-goals that may eventually lead them to their destination). Finally, it would be time to set off on the journey (which is impossible without perseverance). 

Now we’re going to cover how to “plug it into the GPS” by breaking apart the steps we discussed and creating mini-goals that will lead you to publication. Today we're going to focus on steps 1 - 2, and next week I'll continue by breaking down steps 3 - 5. 

→ Step 1: Writer writes the book. 

Charting the course:

This is the step many aspiring authors can’t seem to move past. Writing a book is not for the faint of heart! It requires time—a lot of it. And perseverance. Hard work. Determination to finish. These are all obstacles, and many aspiring authors can’t seem to move past these roadblocks. They may assume that, in order to be a published author, you have to have a completely free schedule and a “magical” ability to string words together in perfect order during that first draft. 

Here’s the truth: Every author has to squeeze writing into their lives. Even if writing is their only profession, there are several more responsibilities that today’s author has to juggle. If you wait for the perfect season of your life to begin your book—well, plan on waiting a long, long time. ;) 

The key here is to figure out a way to make writing a priority in your life. You have to realize that, even though you’re investing hours and hours into this project, it will be worth it. It’s important to view yourself as a professional writer even before you receive your first publishing contract.

How can you do this? By carving out a block of time each day and dedicating it to writing. Five minutes, or even five words, is better than nothing! If you can write one page a day for an entire year, then by next year you’ll have yourself a 365-page book. 

(It’s also important to note that you must give yourself permission to write an ugly first draft. The point of a first draft is to get the story down on paper. It doesn’t have to “look pretty” or even make sense until its revision stages.)   

Your book won’t be written unless you are persistent in protecting your writing time and making it a priority. One way to do this is by setting goals. Will you aim to write 500 words a day? Or will you aim to work on it for about an hour each day?

Write down these goals and treat them with respect. Don’t focus on the big picture of the project; rather, pour yourself into each day’s work. Challenge yourself with the goals you set, however be careful not to aim too high or you’ll risk becoming burnt out from the work.    

For more help on this subject, see the below post:

  •  How to Finish Your Book This Year by Creating Writing Goals 

  • → Step 2: While the writer writes the book, he/she also makes an effort to building an online presence. Today’s writer understands the importance of this in attracting attention from agents, publishers, and readers. They may also network with other writers on social media and the blogosphere during this time. 

    Charting the course:

    This is another step that today’s aspiring author often become hung up on. They become overwhelmed with the big picture of building a platform that they’re paralyzed and refuse to take the initial step into building an online presence. But what you have to realize is that anything is better than nothing—and if you don’t have anything online, then an agent isn’t likely to sign with you. 

    {Side story: I work as a Jr. Agent at Hartline Literary Agency for Cyle Young, and recently a publisher of a large house rejected a client's proposal. The reason? The publisher did a Google search of the writer and could not find a website, blog, or social media platform that belonged to this writer. Yes, zero online presence can result in zero publishing contract for today's aspiring author!}

    Start small and do what you can, when you can. But also keep in mind that building a platform/online presence must be a priority for today’s aspiring author as well. Agents and publishers request to see the author’s numbers in their proposals—yes, even if you’re a fiction writer. The majority of book sales are made online nowadays, and a publisher will want to see the potential you have in engaging an audience and selling books.

    Just like the above step, it’s important to be specific about the goals you set. Rather than writing down “I want to build a platform”, instead write a task that can be put into action, such as: “I want to build a Twitter and Facebook following”. Then set aside a block of time every week or every day that you can devote into building your following on these accounts.

    If you first focus on simply creating a following on social media, you can then take bigger steps, such as engaging your core audience, building a website, writing a blog, etc. But again, take each of these steps one at a time, and break them down into bite-sized pieces. 

    One book that I always recommend for writers who want to build their online presence is “ Connections ” by Edie Melson. I read this less than two years ago and have already seen tremendous results from following her advice!

    Remember: The most important thing about platform isn’t numbers; it’s engagement. Interaction. Building a connection with your core readership. 

    For more help on this subject, see the below posts:

    Next week, we’ll continue to “chart the course” and cover steps 3 - 5. =) 

    Again, if you have any questions about the publishing process, please let me know in the comments! 

    ~ ~ ~ 

    Questions for you...

    What do you find most difficult about steps 1 - 2? Would you prefer to write a book without having to build an online presence/following?


    Monday, January 9, 2017

    Re-Evaluate Your Writing Career by Returning to Your Author Dream

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    Almost every aspiring author dreams of what their life as a published author will look like some day: Multiple best-selling novels. Lines that stretch out the door at book signings. A cabin in the mountains. Books made into movies. Fat advances. And, of course, spending every waking hour either typing up the next Great American Novel or responding to fan mail.

    Obviously that picture is far from the reality of what the life of today’s average novelist looks like. In order to make a living in today’s writing industry, most authors don’t just write books. They also teach. Speak. Blog. Write freelance articles. Offer coaching, consulting, or freelance editing services to other writers.

    Yet with all of the possibilities for today’s writer, how are we supposed to know which paths to pursue and what kind of business model to create? After all, being an author is equivalent to being an owner of a small business. Sometimes I can become distracted by all the ideas floating around in my head that I forget to remind myself of the Big Picture of my writing career—the reason I’m pursuing this dream in the first place. {Continue reading!}

    {PS ... Two more submissions are needed for Monday's Minute Challenge Writing Prompt Contest! Click here if you'd like to enter.}

    Wednesday, January 4, 2017

    How to Navigate Today’s Publishing Industry P.1: What’s Your Destination?

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    It’s a new year, which means it's time to set goals and make plans that will breathe life into our dreams. I love how the new year always reminds us that we won't see the results we hope for unless there is action involved. And how can there be action involved? By creating goals. But it'd be impossible to create goals without first having a dream.

    Before we set out on our writing journey, at some point we've dreamt of becoming an author. Dreaming of having a book published precedes the actual publication. It’s this overall vision that keeps our fingers racing over the keyboard. Yet if we want our writing to become a career and not just a hobby, then it’s necessary to create goals. How do we do that? By first looking ahead to where we want to be, then asking ourselves: What steps can I take to get there?

    It can be compared to the act of setting out on a road trip. We find out the address of our destination, plug it into our GPS, and follow the directions. (At least, that's how we do it nowadays! Thankfully I've never had to drive somewhere new without the use of a robot telling me where to go.)

    Yet too many aspiring authors become caught up in the dream phase. They write here and there in their spare moments; however, their book is never finished because they placed publication in the same compartment as wishful thinking. They don’t, in a sense, find out the “address” of publication (research how to become published), plug it into their GPS (create mini-goals that may eventually lead them to their destination), and set out on the journey (perseverance).

    I know the process might be complicated and a bit daunting for the aspiring author. That’s why I’m going to break down the steps for you in this new blog series titled, How to Navigate Today’s Publishing Industry.

    Today, we’re going to discuss the destination. What's your overall goal? To become an author? If so, write this down in your journal or a Word Document. Then, make it even more specific. What kind of author do you want to become? Your response may be “to become a best-selling author of historical fiction” or “to make a living as a YA romance novelist”.

    Then, take as long as you want detailing this dream of yours. How often do you want to publish a book? Will you write across genres? What kind of publishing model are you aiming for? Don’t be afraid to dream too big! There’s no harm in dreaming. In fact, this dream will provide you with the motivation you need to persevere, especially when you come across roadblocks. Remember that science actually supports the act of visualizing our dreams.

    But of course the dream won’t come to pass unless we take the necessary steps to achieve it.

    First, we need to understand how the publishing process works.

    Let’s look at the big picture — our "map" from a bird's-eye view. In simple terms, how does one become an author in today’s publishing industry?

    • Step 1: Writer writes the book. 
    • Step 2: While the writer writes the book, they also make an effort into building an online presence. Today’s writer must understand the importance of platform when it comes to attracting attention from agents, publishers, and readers. They could also network with other writers on social media and on the blogosphere during this time. 
    • Step 3: Writer spends necessary time editing, revising, and rewriting their manuscript. They may join a critique group during this time and/or send their manuscript to be critiqued by their critique partner.
    • Step 4: When the book is ready, writer pitches it to agents and/or publishers. They might also attend a writing conference during this time and pitch to agents/publishers face-to-face. 
    • Step 5: While the writer waits for a response, they continue making efforts to grow their platform and hone their craft. They then set off to work on their next project.

    Now that you have your Address (publication goal) and understand the basics on how to get there, your next step is to break down the above steps by creating mini-goals that will help you reach this Destination. That’s exactly what I’ll help you do in next week’s post. =)

    Meanwhile, if you have any questions about the publishing process, please let me know in the comments!

    ~ ~ ~

    Questions for you… 

    What’s your writing-related goal for this year? Do you believe that visualization plays a key role in seeing a dream come to pass?


    How can writers navigate today's publishing industry? Advice from @TessaEmilyHall #writingtips #writerslife