Caroline George, author of The Prime Way Program and The Vestige, resides in Nashville where she spends the majority of her time in hipster coffeehouses, sipping lavender mochas and undertaking over-the-top projects. She is a two-time Georgia Author of the Year nominee, speaker, blogger and writer for teen magazine Pursue. Caroline studies publishing and public relations at Belmont University and works as a publicist for local artists.
Writing functions with a different set of rules. For example, writers do not have a finish line, only the chance to take another step. In fact, writing shouldn’t be viewed as a race, rather an infinite flight of stairs. Each time someone writes a piece of literature, they climb higher. Whenever they post on their blog, enhance their social media, they rise another few inches. This reality of pursuing an author career shouldn’t be discouraging—it gives one the incredible chance to try again, move forward, and have options regardless of their steps’ successes.
I have climbed three full steps in the past five years. My first two books in The Prime Way Trilogy taught me how to take large strides, while my latest book, The Vestige, showed me how to scale my staircase like a professional. I love strategizing my next steps. I value the opportunity to grow stronger and fitter during the process of reaching new heights.
The sooner a writer begins their journey up the staircase, the more steps they’ll be able to climb. Many creatives don’t take a step until their mid-adulthood. However, young people who are determined and passionate about words can take more leaps, develop their skills, and ultimately, use their gifts to not only reach high stairs, but also set an example for those hesitating below.
Encouraging Facts:
You are equipped and able to climb your staircase.
There is room for you in the publishing industry.
What you write matters.
How you climb your steps will inspire others to begin their journey.
Age and time are not against you. Whether you are fourteen or sixty-four, you are capable of taking strides toward your goals.
The trek can become exhausting. There are moments in my writing career when I lose endurance and stall on certain levels.
During those times, I find others who share my passions. Together, with locked arms, we help each other reach new heights.
Takeaway: Writing isn’t an easy process, but you have every opportunity at your feet. All you have to do is take the first step.
Question for you: What does your "staircase" look like currently? Where do you hope it will take you?

This was greaaaat <3