- The entry must be between 150 - 300 words. Otherwise, your entry will not be accepted. (In order to see how many words your entry is, write it in Microsoft Word, or you can copy and paste it here.)
- The deadline for the contest will be the following Friday.
- You do not have to be a teen to enter the contest.
- The same person cannot win first place two weeks in a row. (Some exceptions may apply.)
- If there is at least 5 entries, the panel of judges will select a 2nd and 1st place. If there is at least 10 entries, the judges will select a 3rd, 2nd, and 1st place. However, if there is under 5 entries, the panel of judges will only select one winner.
- If there are at least 10 entries, there will be a few Honorable Recognitions, which are the next highest winners. They will receive a badge, as well as 3 points.
- The winners will receive a badge for their blog, as well as extra points (see the point system below).
- The winner will be chosen based on the judges's preferences, as well as the following questions: Does this entry capture my attention immediately? Does it make me want to continue reading? Is the writing clear? They will also take into consideration the writer's voice and style--not necessarily technical issues, such as grammar, punctuation, etc.
- If you have entered at least 3 contests and have yet to place, send me an email and I will be happy to give you a critique of your last entry, which will include tips and suggestions.
- This is only for fun and to stretch your writing muscles--not necessarily to be taken too seriously. =)
- 30 points: You will be able to create your own prompt that will be used in Monday's Minute Challenge!
- 40 points: You will receive a critique based on your current week's entry.
- 50 points: You will receive a free blog critique and helpful suggestions.
- 70 points: You will receive an 700 word critique on your novel, short story, article, etc.
- 80 points: You can help judge one of the contests!
- 90 points: You will receive two weeks free in my Write Now Mentoring Program!
- 100 points: You will receive a free ebook of PURPLE MOON. =)
- 150 points: You will receive a personalized handmade notepad.
- 20 points: If you sign up for a month of my Write Now Mentoring Program!
- 5 points: If you post a review of Purple Moon on Amazon and/or Goodreads. (Let me know in the comments if you do!)
- 5 points: If you join the Purple Moon Publicity Group on Facebook. (You will have the chance to participate in monthly giveaways!)
- 3 points: If you cast your vote! (See the end of this post.)
- 3 points: If you post your entry on your blog, linking back to this post
- 3 points: If your writing prompt is selected for Monday's Minute Challenge.
- 2 points: If you post a tweet about Monday's Minute Challenge, with hashtag #MondaysMinute (You may tweet more than once in a week, however the points will only count for one tweet.)
- 2 points: If you follow this blog via Google Friend Connect. (Let me know in the comments if you do!)
- 2 points: If you "like" my Facebook page. (Let me know in the comments if you do!)
- 2 points: If you follow my Twitter account. (Let me know in the comments if you do!)
- 2 points: Become a "fan" of me on Goodreads. (Let me know in the comments if you do!)
- 2 points: Follow me on Pinterest. (Let me know in the comments if you do!)
- 10 points: If you win 1st place in the writing prompt contest.
- 7 points: If you win 2nd place in the writing prompt contest.
- 5 points: If you win 3rd place in the writing prompt contest.
- 3 points: You receive an Honorable Recognition.
Points Tracker:
- Angela: 13
- Anna: 38
- Benj. Evans: 37
- Brooke: 12
- CeCe: 10
- Elisabeth: 62
- Emily F: 10
- Evan: 10
- Funto: 9
- His Princess: 74
- Jacqueline: 59
- Jillian: 10
- Kaira Anne: 25
- Kaley: 2
- Karina: 23
- Katheline: 16
- Katie: 42
- Kendra: 21
- Lottie Le: 6
- Mary B: 80
- Marsh: 20
- Rcubed: 69
- Rebekah B: 47
- Russian Pianist: 13
- Sarah: 97
- S. Brightly: 32
- Tara T: 61
- TW Wright: 121
*When you request to use your points for a prize, the points you use will be taken away from your total. In other words, when you reach 30 points, you can claim the prize for 30 points--but it will cost you all of your points. Or you can continue to try and earn points so you can claim a bigger prize.
If you have entered at least 3 contests and have yet to win, please send me an email and I will be happy to give you a critique of your last entry and offer suggestions.
The judge panel chooses these winners based on a point system (not to be confused with the point system mentioned above!)
Thanks so much to everyone who voted! It helps the judge panel tremendously.
Please don't discouraged if you have yet to place (or haven't in a few weeks). The competition has become very tough, but the judges still think every one of your entries are impressive. So keep it up! =)
(Keep in mind that the judges are not aware of which entry belongs to which participant until after the judging is complete.)
The entries that the judges thought was the most intriguing (based on rule #4) is ...
Thanks so much to everyone who voted! It helps the judge panel tremendously.
Please don't discouraged if you have yet to place (or haven't in a few weeks). The competition has become very tough, but the judges still think every one of your entries are impressive. So keep it up! =)
(Keep in mind that the judges are not aware of which entry belongs to which participant until after the judging is complete.)
The entries that the judges thought was the most intriguing (based on rule #4) is ...
Third place winner:
He takes his knife from under his coat, "You have one chance to make your decision. What's it going to be?"My hands dig deeper into my pockets. I bite my lip. What do I do? Should I tell the truth and lose my life? Or should I lie and lose my life?It is going to be a lose-lose.“Answer me.” He swings the knife towards me.My breath is caught in my throat, “I did it. I killed her.” I close my eyes.There is a clank that echoes the empty room.I feel worse than I ever have in my life. Why do I have stupid anger problems? Why do I react like that? With a knife or a sword.I expect that any moment he’ll grab my throat and swing me around the room. I expect that any moment will be my last. But I still live.I open my eyes. He’s on his knees—crying. His tears fall, he says her name over and over again, “Tina, Tina, Tina…”I drop to my knees next to him and rub his back, I try to comfort him.He doesn’t push me away. He doesn’t slit my throat. He just cries next to me. He cries his heart out.I hear new words come from his lips, “Tina, you died loved…”If only I had…
Congratulations, TW! Click here for your badge. =)
Second place winner:
Second place winner:
My feet pounded on the hard forest floor as I ran away from King Jacobi’s soldiers. My shoeless feet seemed to hit every rough stone in the forest. My breath came out in quick sharp breaths. I sent up a quick prayer begging to be kept safe.
I was a wanted criminal in this country for telling others about Jesus. I wondered just how much longer I could outrun the soldier’s horses.
In the distance I could hear horse hooves pounding. I tried to run faster, but my energy was leaving me. My best beat was to hide so I ducked under a large bush. I let out a muffled groan as I scraped my knee on a sharp stick.
The sound of horses came closer and I prayed for them to pass me. I could see the horses now slowing as they came to a halt.
“She must’ve stopped here,” barked a man. “The dogs lost her scent up ahead.”
The man whistled and a pack of four dogs ran toward him. They began to sniff around the area and before I knew what was happening a dog began to bark and in a matter of seconds I was surrounded.
A man pulled me out of the bush and laughed.
“I’ve found you; now tell me where the other missionaries are?”
I didn’t open my mouth and he twisted my arm around and I screamed as agonizing pain rushed up my arm.
“Tell me where the others are hiding, or I will have you killed,” whispered the man in my ear. “You have one chance to make your decision. What’s it going to be?”
“I will never tell you,” I whispered softly as they lead me away to what would likely be my death.
Congratulations, Emily! Click here for your badge. =)
First place winner:
Blood pulsed through my veins, my head throbbing with sheer terror. I flexed my arms, only to have them constrained by the rope that was trapping me to the hard metal chair.
Be calm.I took a deep breath, trying to force my elevating heartbeat back to its normal pulse. The damp cell in which I was imprisoned was not in good shape. The constant, “drip, drip, drip,” of water falling into puddles on the stone floor rang in my ears, slowly driving me insane. I closed my eyes.Be calm.The latch of the cell door clicked open, revealing a tall man clad in dark clothes. He smiled sinisterly at me; I shivered, wishing that I could escape from this nightmare, this reality. Breaking the silence, the man spoke with a deep voice, a slight rasp sounding at the end of his words.“You know why I’m here.”I didn’t make eye contact. I looked towards the ground, my heart thumping with fear.“Have you considered my offer?” He spoke again.Once again I didn’t answer, even though I knew this would push him over the edge.Pursing his lips, he stalked towards me and leaned in close to my face. "You have one chance to make your decision. What's it going to be?"Be calm.Lifting my bowed head to meet his furious gaze, I grunted determinedly. “I will never betray her.”
Congratulations, Katie! Click here for your badge. =)
These winners will receive a badge, as well as 3 extra points:
- His Princess
- Kaira
- The Russian Pianist
Congratulations! Click here for your badge. =)
Thanks so much to everyone who participated!

- Submit your response in the comments below.
- Your response should range between 150 - 300 words.
- The deadline for the contest will be this Friday.
- Let me know which prompt you have chosen.
- If you'd rather not submit your post in the comments, you may email it to me instead.
1) Your response should range between 150 - 300 words, otherwise it will not be accepted. (Copy and paste your entry here to count the words, or you could write it on Microsoft Word.)
2) The deadline for the contest is this Friday.
Choose at least one:
- (Optional) Write a passage continuing your entry from last week week (or whichever week you'd prefer). If you can, try to continue it using one of the following prompts.
- Write a passage using these items: whistle, trophy, and lightbulb.
- Write a passage based on this picture.
- Write a passage incorporating this phrase: They told me not to come, which gave me all the more reason to go.
*NEW* Submit your prompt idea!
From now on, the prompts that are used for Monday's Minute Challenge will be submitted by the participants. Here's how this will work:
- You will be able to submit 3 prompts each week in the same format as above: three objects, one picture, and a piece of dialogue or phrase.
- On Mondays, I will choose 3 prompts that have been submitted by 3 different people.
- If your prompt is selected, you will receive 3 points!
- You may submit in the comments below, Monday through Sunday.
Cast Your Vote!
Here's how it works:
- You can vote for 3 entries per week, but you may not vote for yourself.
- You can only click "submit" once per week, so be sure to wait until you have selected your top 3 entries before casting your vote.
- Please do not vote until at least 7 entries have been submitted. (If you do before then, your vote will not count.)
- Only the participants of Monday's Minute Challenge may vote.
- Voting will only take place from Monday - Thursday.
- We will choose the 3 people with the highest amount of votes, then select another 3 or 4 that we think deserve to win as well.
- From those 6 or 7 entries, we will then select the winners (including the Honorable Recognitions.)
You will also receive 3 points for voting. So when you are done, please post a comment below saying that you have casted your vote.
To vote, please enter the names of the 1 - 3 writers you are voting for below (or click here instead):
Current Judge Panel:
- Sarah Holman
- Tessa Emily Hall (me)
- Kate Petty

I did the picture prompt.
ReplyDelete“To whom it may concern,” a sudden chill seized me. A fear. Few official letters carried good tidings.
Below those words was a handwritten name, a touch of humanity in my dark terror. But it wasn't my husband's handwriting that had scrawled my name.
“On April 11 1481, Sir Fane was shot on the front lines defending the army from enemy archers.”
I sunk to my knees, not able to believe the words coldly laid out in front of me. But my eyes stayed glued to the page.
“On April 12, 1481, Sir Calixo Fane died.”
I wanted to scream, I wanted to cry.
But the sobs stuck in my throat.
A handwritten note fell out from the unfolded paper.
“He said to tell you goodbye. He told me how much he loved you. His last word...was your name, Kalissa.”
I whispered into the night air back to him, “Goodbye Calixo, Goodbye,”
And then the tears came.
:'( Good job. So creative.
DeleteSo sad!!!! I LOVED it :)
DeleteSo sad. :( But really good.
DeleteI didn't copy you! I just read your entry, it's so sad, but very well written! =)
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThank you for hosting these!
ReplyDeleteHere are my prompt ideas: Write a passage using these items: Fairy, measuring tape and harp.
Write a passage based on this picture: http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/29/5c/25/295c256b4729aae28dbcba1f55ef2d8a.jpg
Write a passage incorporating this phrase: Everyone told me not to blame myself but I knew, deep down, that I could have prevented it.
And here's my entry! I used the picture prompt and the phrase prompt. It's 194 words.
"Dearest Sirra,
Don't come here to Wisheler Town, it's not worth it to Papa and me, you would be leaving too much behind. You must finish your education. Our mother is gone and there's nothing you can do about it. Don't worry about me, it'll be hard, true, but I can do it, I know I can. Besides, Peter is almost twelve-certainly old enough to help- and Betty is nine..." I read the letter, my hands trembling. They told me not to come, which gave me all the more reason to go. Surely my mother was more important than finishing collage. "Just stay where you are, Sirra, it's for the best.
Your sister,
I sobbed, swaying back and forth. This isn't right, how could a mother of seven leave them at such a young age? Tears dotted the parchment I was holding. How long I sat there I didn't know but after a long time I stood, feeling weak, and tossed my few belongings into a suitcase. I would be taking the five o clock train to Wisheler Town. Then I would walk to the large yellow farmhouse that housed six grieving children.
Love it! (And those prompt ideas are pretty neat too.)
DeleteThat's sad, but I love the devoted sibling. :)
DeleteThank you Kaira and S. Brightly!
DeleteSo sad. :( Very good, Kendra. :)
WOW!!!! I got second!!!! Congratulations to all the other winners! Here is my entry it's 300 words and I used the picture and the sentence prompt
ReplyDeleteThe first step creaked under my weight. I hardly dared to breathe I slowly let out my breath realizing that everyone was still asleep. Mother and Father had told me never to come up to the attic, which gave me all the more reason to go. I felt that they were hiding something from me and I needed to find out.
I ascended the rest of the stairs stopping at every other step when it creaked under my weight. At the top of the stairs I sucked in my breath as I slowly opened the door.
After a minute of standing in the blackness my eyes began to make out shapes. I saw a desk, and a lamp. That was all that stood in the attic. Slowly I walked toward the desk and I winced as a splinter from the unfinished wood floor dug into my foot.
I ran my hands along the dark oak desk and I brushed my hand around the lamp searching for a switch. The small lamp turned on with barely enough light to see by. I dug around in the desk’s only drawer and I pulled out a large envelope with my name on the front. I held back a gasp as I carefully ripped the envelope.
I pulled out letters, and a certificate of adoption. Tears blurred my eyes as I wondered why my mother had never told me. The letters were from my mom and as I read them tears streamed down my face.
I read all night and around eight in the morning mother ran up the stairs and one look at my face told her that I knew. “Hazel, we need to talk,” mother whispered as I nodded. What she said next would have the power to change my life forever.
Wonderful job, Emily! Very vivid.
DeleteAwesome job!
DeleteNice job Emily! You have to tell me what happens!
DeleteFirst place?!?! *Excited squeal*
ReplyDeleteHere's my entry for this week. I used the picture prompt and exactly 300 words: http://cousinsinchrist.blogspot.com/p/monday-minute-challenges.html
Write a passage based on this picture: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/531143349775661817/
Write a passage using these three objects: Seashell, notebook, duct tape.
Write a passage incorporating this sentence: She went to go open the closet door, at least that's what she thought she was doing.
Thanks for holding these, Tessa!
Wow! Wonderful job! Good prompt ideas too.
DeleteSO AMAZING!!!!! I want to know what happens next :)
DeleteWow, love it! Awesome job :)
DeleteThis is very intriguing. :) Well done!
DeleteAAAAHHHH!!!!! I need to know more!
DeleteTessa, does it take your points to make a writing prompt?
ReplyDeleteNo it doesn't. You will receive 3 points if I use your prompt. =)
DeleteI found a link to this post and it is so cool! Here is my entry. I used all three prompts, and it is 297 words long.
ReplyDeleteCorrie checked the scribbled directions on her notepad and kept walking, the white skirt of her sundress swishing around her legs. This was the right town. A tiny, insignificant, cell service deprived speck on the map. Two hundred four residents and none would talk to her about the Charles’ boy murder. It was only ten years ago. Someone still had to be around who knew about it.
She walked down the lonely street and stopped when she came to an address she’d read in the old reports. The house was boarded up and locked, with signs warning off trespassers.
Corrie circled it, looking for a way in, but when none presented itself, she turned to the shed in the backyard. It was a small, squat building. Faded and weather worn, the yard grown up around it.
The door swung open easily and she stepped in, taking a moment to adjust to the dim lighting. A gasp caught in her throat. Small shelves full of odd items. A rock, seashell, a baseball trophy. A metal whistle hung from a nail. Drawings and signs that read “Clubhouse. Keep out” hung on the walls, curled from age and water leakage. A single light bulb hung from the ceiling, but nothing happened when she pulled the chain.
A little notebook lay on a chair with a child’s magic wand, turned to a written on page. Corrie stepped toward it, sending a pencil rolling across the floor when her shoe bumped it. She picked up the notepad and tried to read the childish writing.
She slid the chair toward the open door where the light streamed in and read the wobbly, poorly spelled words.
"They told me not to come. That made me really want to. I didn’t want anyone to die."
Good job!
DeleteWhat happened to the poor little boy? :) Very good, Maddie Jay.
I've got mine done early! It's 207 words, and I used the picture prompt. Also, here are my prompt submissions:
ReplyDeleteWrite a passage using these items: lantern, shovel, rose
Write a passage incorporating this line of dialogue: "Look around you. How much longer before this ends?"
Write a passage based on this picture: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/513903007452201590/
Now for the story:
The dust from the old place blew around her much like the cloud of dandelion seeds did in her childhood. But this time the white specks didn't make her happy. She shivered at the cold wind blowing through the thin material of her white dress, and from the cold words blowing across the faded pages she held.
She had found them here, all of them, in this place she'd used to call home. Wrapped up with the meticulously handcarved scepter. It lay in her lap, where she'd placed it almost reverently. Anything that she knew her mother had touched was sacred now. Those loving hands that were now stilled in death.
The darkness creeping into the room held her. She stared down at the bold words scrawling hastily, angrily off the page, as if they could somehow escape the bitter message they held. Her body was stiff, her hands rigid. Her soul longed to flee far into the starry sky, just as the words seemed to long to fly from their paper-thin prison. Her mouth pressed into a wavering line, the truth of the letters sinking slowly into her wildly frightened heart.
Just like the words, written once, never to be changed... she was trapped forever.
DeleteWhat was written in the letter?!?! How very intriguing. :)
I agree with, His Princess. I want to know what's in the letter!
Delete- Katie
Here is my entry!
Good job, Mary!
DeleteHere's mine! I used the picture prompt. It's 236 words long.
ReplyDeleteI looked down at the letter to see who it was from. It didn't say. So I opened it and began to take out the contents. Tears came to my eyes as I read the letter. It was from Andrew.
He had left me a few weeks ago and hadn't talked to me since. He said in the beginning of the letter that sometimes things just couldn't work out the way that we wanted them to. He had hinted at it so much but now I finally understood. That he was breaking up with me. I continued reading. It said a lot of other stuff, but then things in the letter started to change. It started to sound as if he was happy.
I heard a sudden noise from behind me. I turned around and saw Andrew standing there. "Andrew?" I asked, confused.
He sat down next to me. "Sophie," he said. "I've been thinking a lot about our relationship, and I need to ask you..." he paused and sighed, putting his hand into his pocket. Pulling out a ring box, he opened it. "Sophie Raine, will you marry me?"
I could hardly believe it as I took in the words. "Yes, Andrew. Yes."
He smiled and hugged me. I still couldn't believe it. I had dreamed of this day my whole life. And now it had finally come. When I had least expected it.
Here are my prompts.
Write a passage based on these three objects: electric guitar, microphone, gun.
Write a passage incorporating this line: I didn't want to, but I knew I had to.
Write a passage based on this picture: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/513903007452004394/
Awww, love it Cece. :)
Sweet :)
Delete- Katie
I'm not entering this time around, but I wanted to chime in and say what a great idea I think this is!:D
ReplyDeleteGood luck to everyone participating!
Here's my prompt ideas.
ReplyDeleteWrite a passage based on these three items: portal, book, scarf
Write a passage with this line: You really don't remember do you?
Write a passage based on this picture: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/452752568762531730/
Love the picture Kaira! :)
Thanks for the Honorable Recognition and congrats to all the winners!
ReplyDeleteWrite a story using this piece of dialogue: "Can't you see what your actions have caused?"
Write a story using these items: table cloth, glasses, knife.
Write a story using this picture: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/524880531541631480/
Here's my entry! Hope ya'll like it! And thank you very much for the third place, congrats other winners and Honorable Recognition!!! =)
Write a story using this picture:
Write a story using these items: a knife, a painting, the police
Write a story using this piece of dialogue: "I am not heartless but I have learned to use my heart less,"
Thanks for holding MMC, Tessa! And thank you judges for judging!! =)
And good job with ya'lls' entries so far! Two thumbs up! ;)
TW Wright
Good job on the entry and the prompts! I especially like the dialogue prompt.
DeleteNice job! So intriguing :)
Delete- Katie
Hi, Emily told me about this and am excited to give it a shot. I used the picture prompt. Here's my story, 300 words.
ReplyDeleteAmira awoke to find herself unable to move. Surrounding her was pitch-black; she could not even see the cot she felt underneath her. She tried to remember what had happened but her brain was all muddled and confused. Amira strained against whatever held her but soon realized it was hopeless, she wouldn’t be escaping that way. Her feet and hands were starting to lose circulation and she had no way of stopping it. ‘How am I to get out of here? And how did I get here in the first place?’ Her mind was full of questions that she had no way of answering.
After groping around with her hands for what felt hours in the blackness, but she knew must have only been minutes, she finally found a lantern resting beside her. Breathing a sigh of relief, Amira turned it on and looked around. She found herself in a cell, and the reason she couldn’t move was that a thick chain enveloped itself all around her body.
Amira leaned back against the wall, trying to think of how to escape. She began her usual habit of drumming her fingers but stopped once she heard the soft rustle of paper. She immediately began positioning herself so she was able to see it; and once she had settled herself she saw that it was a letter in her fiancés handwriting. ‘How could this have gotten here?’ Amira pondered. She began to read-
-Amira, help is on the way. We will…
The faint tap of footsteps interrupted her. Amira quickly hid the message when she heard the rattle of keys and the distinct click of a lock. A door swung open cascading a stream of light into the small cell and a commanding soldier stepped in.
“You are to come with me.”
Ooh! I want to know what happens!
Delete- Katie
I LOVE IT!!!!!!! I'm so glad you tried it :)
DeleteThanks! I'm glad you like it! This is actually part of a book I am hoping to publish eventually. Glad to know it's not just the authors who like it!
Nice, Armina. Good job!
Deletehello my name is Luciana I was told of this page by my good friend Armina and was very excited to try I hope this is good. I am not Armina but I am at her house and had to use her account, I couldn't remember my password.(it was sooooooo hard to keep it under 300 words it literally nearly killed me]
ReplyDeletep.s this isn't my computer so I might have a different account but I will sign under the same name.
I awoke in a pitch-black room, with a hazy feeling that cleared almost instantly by a throbbing pain in my head. Getting up, I felt my way around the room, I tripped over what felt like a piece of wood. ‘Great, it’s me and a stick against who knows what,’ I thought to myself.
I felt along the wall, rough wood brushing across my hands. ‘A door!’ But When I tried the doorknob, it wouldn’t budge. ‘Drat!’ Suddenly footsteps echoed on the other side of the door. I stepped back as the door rattled and was flung open. A being slid into the room, holding a lamp, filling the room with blinding light.
“I see you have awoken.” A cold fear gripped my heart as he spoke, his voice like nails on a chalkboard.
“Who are you? What am I doing here?”
“That is none of your concern, are you comfortable?” He asked in a mocking voice.
I didn’t answer.
“Very well, you will be seeing the Shinara very soon.” Then with a swish of his long robes, he vanished. As darkness closed around me, I noticed a small window in the corner of the room. I leaped toward the window, hulling myself up on the sill… it was bolted. Remembering the wood, I searched for it and came back to the window. Hitting it twice with no success, I hit it again and it opened. I paused; hearing footsteps, but they passed by without stopping. I pushed myself out the window, falling into a pile of trash. As I climbed out of the pile I realized they were photographs of people I knew who had mysteriously died. Crying, I ran to the woods on my left, as a scream rang out behind me, it filled my heart with dread.
DeleteMy entry is 295 words and is a continuation of the scene from the last two weeks.
ReplyDeleteShe planted her feet, pressing them into the cracking pavement to ground herself. “You insist on such formal terms. Call me Vika—all my friends do.”
“Alright…Vika.” He stepped closer; his hand was at her cheek. Where had it come from? The urge to run tingled inside her stomach. Resisting it, she hugged her arms to her body to prevent herself from recoiling from the nearness of his touch. The smile vanished; the features, though insipid, were drawn tight over the bone. “Enough games. What are you doing behind this building?”
She blinked. Keep the world in focus. “Waiting for my father.”
“In an alley?” The slate eyes didn’t flinch.
She clutched at her power of reasoning, but it melted like ice in a warm hand. “There are too many automobiles on the street. It’s safer back here.”
“Safer?” he smirked, glancing down the alley. Her eyes trailed to the fraying cuffs of her coat sleeves. She didn’t have to look to see the tramps with bloodshot eyes, the gutters with wadded up newspapers, ink mottled into illegible smears by the fetid waters, or the vodka bottles drunk and thrown and crushed into the dirt.
“That’s why you’re here—to protect me.”
“Then why am I confronting you instead of some drunk?” he spat out. “Speak!” Jerking back, she knocked her head against the brick building. The rough mortar snagged her skin as she ran her hand along the wall. The breath came fast and shallow. Anything but intimidation. Outwit her. But “physical means of persuasion”—she knew what that meant. They all did. He shoved her into the brick. “Your last name—tell me.” He squeezed her thin shoulders until she writhed under his grip.
The forbidden letters slid off her lips. “Dubrovskaya.”
-The Russian Pianist
What a talent for writing you have! I love your style. :)
Thanks so much, His Princess! Your encouragement meant a lot to me!
Delete-The Russian Pianist
I thought an explanation of Russian naming conventions might enhance the understanding of my entry.
DeleteRussians have 3 names: their given name (e.g. Viktoria), the patronymic (based on their father's name--here, Petrovna), and their surname, or last name (i.e., Dubrovskaya).
When people are formally introduced, they will use all three names. In last week's excerpt, Viktoria uses only her first two names, which would be viewed as forward given the circumstance and the people involved in the conversation. When she goes further by prompting the officer to "call me Vika," she refers to her diminutive, or nickname. This name is generally used only among very close friends and family; therefore, her use of it emphasizes her pretense of flirtation, but has an ulterior motive of concealing her family name.
Ok, that was a lot longer than I intended it to be! Thanks for bearing with me--hopefully it clarified the meaning and implications behind the names & their variations.
-The Russian Pianist
I voted! Great entries everyone.
ReplyDeleteMy entry is 295 words and is a continuation of my scene from the last two weeks.
ReplyDeleteShe planted her feet, pressing them into the cracking pavement to ground herself. “You insist on such formal terms. Call me Vika—all my friends do.”
“Alright…Vika.” He stepped closer; his hand was at her cheek. Where had it come from? The urge to run tingled inside her stomach. Resisting it, she hugged her arms to her body to prevent herself from recoiling from the nearness of his touch. The smile vanished; the features, though insipid, were drawn tight over the bone. “Enough games. What are you doing behind this building?”
She blinked. Keep the world in focus. “Waiting for my father.”
“In an alley?” The slate eyes didn’t flinch.
She clutched at her power of reasoning, but it melted like ice in a warm hand. “There are too many automobiles on the street. It’s safer back here.”
“Safer?” he smirked, glancing down the alley. Her eyes trailed to the fraying cuffs of her coat sleeves. She didn’t have to look to see the tramps with bloodshot eyes, the gutters with wadded up newspapers, ink mottled into illegible smears by the fetid waters, or the vodka bottles drunk and thrown and crushed into the dirt.
“That’s why you’re here—to protect me.”
“Then why am I confronting you instead of some drunk?” he spat out. “Speak!” Jerking back, she knocked her head against the brick building. The rough mortar snagged her skin as she ran her hand along the wall. The breath came fast and shallow. Anything but intimidation. Outwit her. But “physical means of persuasion”—she knew what that meant. They all did. He shoved her into the brick. “Your last name—tell me.” He squeezed her thin shoulders until she writhed under his grip.
The forbidden letters slid off her lips. “Dubrovskaya.”
-The Russian Pianist
OK this is my first entry on Monday's minute. So here we go...
ReplyDeleteWrite a passage incorporating this phrase: They told me not to come, which gave me all the more reason to go.
They told me not to come, which gave me all the more reason to go. They're my friends. I'd never let them leave without a goodbye.
I stood at the train depot. The train's loud whistle filling my ears, and the smoke from the engine burning my eyes. My eyes roamed frantically for my friends. I saw tons of strangers roaming around but I didn't see them in the crowd. My heart began to pound in my chest fearing that I had missed them-my only chance to say goodbye. My feet swiftly began to carry me towards the train. And then through the smoke and crowds of people I saw them. The very sight of them brought relief to my heart. Daniel was standing by the train, his eyes scanning the crowd. I hoped he was looking for me but I wouldn't ever now. Beside him was Dianna. They were my closest friends.
They were my everything.
"Daniel! Dianna!" I screamed. Running towards the train. They saw me and smiled.
Dianna embraced me tightly. I looked into her beautiful, dark eyes.
"It's not fair." I whimpered looking down at the star she had on her coat...the sign of the Jews.
"War is never fair." Daniel said softly.
"Hitler can not send you away." I cried out, "you deserve so much more."
The train whistle blew, it's sound piercing not only my ears but my heart.
"We must go." Daniel shouted over the sound of the whistle. "Never forget us." He said clasping his hand on mine.
"Never." I said tears in my eyes, "I'll never forget you. Never."
Number of words: 269
Really good! Monday Minutes is a lot of fun!
DeleteReally, really good. Love this! :)
Here are the writing prompts:
ReplyDelete-I tried, I really did! But nothing I could have done would have prevented what happened next.
- Write using this three things: A Map, A Rose and a large basket.
- Write using this picture: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/339881103100662877/
The pic could be a story of two worlds (who don't know the other exists) and one day a boy/girl finds the other and finds a chilling secret
DeleteTessa, I now follow you on pinterest. I am Mary Burroughs. :-)
ReplyDeleteI now follow you on Pinterest and am following this blog using google friend connect. :)