Friday, April 14, 2017

Why I Refuse to Relent in Pursuit of My Dreams {+ Amazing Giveaway!}

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Write fiction books.
Write non-fiction books.
Act in Christian films.
Work behind the camera of a Christian film.
Become a literary agent.
Become an acquisitions editor.
Launch a Christian magazine/ministry for teens.
Own or work at a coffee shop.

I recently found a couple of old journal entries and blog posts of mine in which I gave the above list in response to the question, "What are your greatest dreams?" Although there is no definite destination along the path to pursuing dreams, it's crazy to look at this list and strikethrough the dreams that have already become a reality. Especially since I imagined the process of pursuing would take much longer than it has. (Side note: I am not yet a literary agent, but I work at a literary agency as a Jr. Agent.) Being an author was my absolute #1 dream; the others were simply ideas. Possibilities. Yet I've refused to settle for less. I've refused to relent in pursuit of my dreams for the sake of having a predictable and safe lifestyle. 

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Friends and family members often tell me that how amazed they are that I've been able to "achieve my dreams". But why is this so crazy? It's as though dreams were simply meant to remain just that: a dream. A wish. An idea. It's never made much sense to me to pursue a life that's anything less than a life I love. To pursue occupations that don't suit my gifts, talents, and strengths.

This is why it's a desire of mine to instill within the hearts of teens a determination to pursue the calling God has placed on their lives. Because when they become who God has created them to be, when they develop their gifts and talents -- all the while seeking Him first -- then the direction of their future may become more clear. 

This is my heart behind creating PURSUE Magazine. When a teen reads this magazine, I hope she will have a longing to draw closer to God. I hope she will be challenged to view herself the way He sees her. To embrace her uniqueness. To pursue her God-given purpose. To rise to new levels with her gifts and learn how she can use them to minister to others.

So why do I refuse to relent in pursuit of my dreams? Simply put: Life is too short to not live a life I love. It's too short to not fully cultivate and tap into the potential God has given me and live out His perfect plan for my life. Because it's in the center of that perfect plan that I will have the opportunity to speak into the lives of others as well.

If you, too, want to become awakened to the dreams that have been birthed inside your heart -- if you want to learn how you can understand God's unique calling on your life and BECOME the young woman He has destined for you to be -- then I encourage you to consider picking up a Kindle copy of our first issue of PURSUE Magazine

The first issue of PURSUE releases on Amazon Kindle tomorrow, April 15th! However, it is now available for pre-order. {Click here to read the back cover or purchase on Amazon.} 

In effort to spread buzz of this release, four lucky winners will receive one of the following prizes...
  • free digital copy of PURSUE Magazine
  • $15 Starbucks gift card
  • $15 Amazon gift card
  • your choice of an Erin Condren notebook

Enter below!

Do you want to help us spread the word?

Do you support our vision and mission statement? If so, please consider helping us spread the word. You can start by entering the giveaway above. Then, open this "Marketing Plan" PDF and you'll have another opportunity to win a $10 Starbucks gift card! (The winner of this giveaway will be selected on May 1st. This is a separate giveaway from the one above.)

Blog Swap

Would you be interested in participating in a blog swap with me? (Blog swap = Guest post in return for a guest post.) If so, please email me at christiswrite (at) gmail (dot) com for more details!

Are you a believer in pursuing dreams as well? Why do you think some people choose to neglect their dreams and settle for a safe and predictable life? I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments!


  1. This was wonderful, Tessa! It's so cool to see how you never gave up on your dreams - and made so many of them come true! I'm really excited for the Pursue magazine to release ;). (and I'm definitely interested in a blog swap - I'll have to email you about that soon)

    Yes, I'm avidly pursuing my dream to become an author, and I love encouraging and inspiring other people to follow their dreams, as well. But I think some people's dreams die because they think it's too hard, to impossible, and not very realistic. But what dreams are? I think they're ALL worth pursuing, no matter how impossible they may seem ;).

    ~ Savannah

    1. Exactly! Growing up, my mom would constantly say to me, “Someone has to do it. Why can’t it be you?” I also love the quote that says, “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.” There's no harm in trying! I'd much rather live with failure than regret. Even so, it's impossible to "fail" when we're seeking God first and pursuing His will for our lives!

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Savannah. =)


  2. This post really spoke to me. I am in my late teens, and with college and my career ahead, it's hard sometimes to discern God's calling for me. I've learned, though, that if I try to make my own way, instead of allowing Him to have control, it's easy to drown out His voice in my life. Sometimes in the pursuit of our dreams, they become exactly that -- OUR dreams. God has given us talents and gifts, but we must learn to trust Him to use them. I always say that anyone can have a dream, but not everyone acts on it. Dreams take work and dedication! Thank you for this, Tessa!

    ~ Caitlin @ Quills & Coffee

    1. I’m glad you were encouraged by this, Caitlin! Dreams don’t have to simply remain dreams and wishes, but the only way they will be transformed into reality is if we take action.

      “I've learned, though, that if I try to make my own way, instead of allowing Him to have control, it's easy to drown out His voice in my life.”

      Oh, so true. Our desire as a Christian should be to live out His will for our lives, not our own. This is why I constantly ask Him to place on my heart the desires He wants me to have and remove the ones that He doesn’t want to be there. I would not enjoy my life one bit if I had to write the script.

      Thanks for stopping by!


  3. I entered! I did all of them except tweeting about the giveaway. Should I do a blogpost about this? And I'd like to do a guest post!

    Allie Taylor / / hebrews 11:1

    1. Awesome! Thanks so much, Allie. Yes, feel free to write a blog post on this topic. Contact me at christiswrite (at) gmail (dot) com if you want to write a guest post. Thanks! =)



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