The virtual launch party for UNWRITTEN MELODY exceeded my expectations. In fact, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. I’d never hosted one before. But I knew it would be a great way to connect with friends, family, and readers to celebrate the release of my sophomore novel, UNWRITTEN MELODY. Thanks so much to all of you who made an appearance, interacted in the comments, asked questions, entered giveaways, and especially those who brought the virtual snacks. ;)
(Warning: I'm about to transition into second person here!) Seeing your book out in the real world is surreal. It’s the
one you’ve spent countless hours working on. For years it was just you and the characters. (And the early readers, of course.) It takes on
another shape and form when it starts walking and enters the imagination of others.
It’s been interesting reading the first reviews of UNWRITTEN
MELODY which were apart of my blog tour {here’s the first one, and here’s thesecond}. Some authors refuse to read their book reviews. Me? I want to know how
readers interpreted the book. I want to understand my audience's preferences. Sure, I know that not everyone will enjoy it. And
that’s okay. But occasionally a review is posted that makes you smile so much
and causes you to become emotional. (Warning: Another second person transition!) It’s those reviews that give you the
motivation and encouragement to continue writing. It’s those reviews that
remind you of your ultimate goal as an author – no, not to please others, but
to touch them. To illustrate a Greater Truth. So it means everything to read a
review from a reader who had the experience you had prayed for while writing
the book.
Anyway, all that to say – I’m looking forward to seeing your
reviews. It would mean so much to me if you could post your thoughts on Amazon and Goodreads, even if you
didn’t enjoy the book. Reviews help readers understand the full spectrum of a
story, which then helps them decide whether or not to purchase the book.
I’m on my way to Florida now so I might not be as active on social
media/blogosphere until come back in over a week. But I just wanted to say
thank you. I sincerely hope you enjoy the time you spend reading UNWRITTEN
If you weren’t able to attend the party, you can stillscroll through the posts by clicking here. =)
Also, don’t forget that I’m still on a blog tour for
UNWRITTEN MELODY! Click here for the first post and tour schedule. Don’t forget
to enter the Prize Pack Giveaway! =D
Here's a video I shared at the party that you might be interested in watching. In the video I discuss what UNWRITTEN MELODY is about, the inspiration behind it, etc.
*** One last thing!If you purchase the book between now and
tomorrow then you can receive a free 19-page Bonus Content Download! This was
so much fun to put together. Here’s a sneak preview of what’s inside … ***
Happy reading, everyone!
{PS: Say a prayer for the people of Lake Lure, NC! Wildfires are spreading throughout the city. If you don't know, Lake Lure is the setting of PURPLE MOON. Such a beautiful town with the friendliest people. I actually have a book signing there in a few weeks. Praying for the locals and believing for rain!}

I've been to Lake Lure... It's a really pretty lake. I had no clue it was on fire! North Carolina has been plagued this year with everything from wildfires to hurricane damage caused by flooding. And to add things in it looks like our governor election may well possibly have been rigged by Roy Cooper fans. I love my state and my country. I especally love the south aka Dixieland.