Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Writer's Toolbox of Creativity: Ideas, Nourishment, & Inspiration

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A story idea can spark through any means -- a conversation, news headline, "what if" question, etc. However, most of my inspiration tends to stem from other forms of art. When I look at photography, I ask myself ... What is the story behind this? Who is the person captured? What is her response to her surroundings -- her memories, emotions, etc.? Similar questions come to mind as I listen to music, read books, or look at paintings. Characters are brainstormed. Scenes play through my imagination. Plot elements are sparked. 

But without nourishing my creativity through spending time with God, my well would run dry. I inherited my creativity from Jesus; when I spend time in worship and in the Word, He refuels my spiritual well. It's from that well that I draw the inspiration and creativity I need to aid me in writing.

Since we are artists, we need to constantly keep our Writer's Toolbox of Creativity filled. That way, when we sit down to write, we have an overflow of inspiration. Ideas will burst forth our fingers and scare away any threat of writer's block. 

Below, I've compiled a list of various story ideas, spiritual nourishment, and writer's inspiration. Feel free to take as much as you need and pile them into your writer's toolbox for your future writerly needs. =) 

{PS -- As you read this, I'm either in a writing workshop, networking with other writers, in an appointment, writing with a perfect view of the Blue Ridge mountains, or stopping by the campus coffee shop for the fifth time today. Yes, Blue Ridge Mountain Christian Writer's Conference is a writer's heaven. =) Feel free to follow my journey on Instagram or Twitter. Prayers are greatly appreciated!}





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"She was brave and strong and broken all at once."
~Anna Funder

"You have to let people go. Everyone who is in your life are meant to be in your journey, but not all of them are meant to stay till the end."



"You are my place of quiet retreat, 
I wait for your Word to renew me."
~Psalm 119:114

"With man this is impossible,
but with God all things are possible."
~Matthew 19:26



"In the darkest times of your life, your praise to God should be the loudest. 
Let the enemy know you are not afraid of the dark."
~Stormie Omartian


"Writing is the light of imagination
playing over shadow of thoughts."

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  1. Thanks. Inspiration is just what I needed today. You're posts are always so visual and aesthetic! Lovely as always :)

  2. Thank you for this post Tessa, it was was wonderful! Hope you're having a good time, wherever you are! I'll be praying :).

    1. I had a great time. Thanks so much for your prayers! <3


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