Friday, September 19, 2014

Blog Tour!: "A Different Kind of Courage" by Sarah Holman ~ What Others Are Saying

I am so excited to host a stop on the young and talented Christian fiction author, Sarah Holman's, blog tour! Her latest historical novel, A Different Kind of Courage, is now available on Amazon and is completely free through Amazon Unlimited. =)

Here are what others are saying about 
A Different Kind of Courage:

“Christian classic! Now one of my top ten most favorite books!”
 ~ Ashley Elizabeth Blair Tetzlaff, Author of An Easter Carol

“I found A Different Kind of Courage to be a heartwarming, entertaining story. Sarah weaves a skillful tale of personal identity, sorrow, and healing, set against a well-researched Revolutionary background. William’s struggle to find his place during a confusing time expertly conveys the turbulence of the early days of the Revolution, and his journey will inspire all readers who are facing challenges of faith in their own lives.”
 ~ Sarah Scheele, Author of The Valley Stories

“Valuable reading for anyone looking for a well-informed, God-honoring book about the American Revolution!”
~ Kelsey Bryant, Author of Family Reunion (Six Cousins, Book 1)

“I think the feeling I felt most with this book was a greater sense of gratitude to our Founding Fathers and the men who fought and gave their lives so that America could be free.”
~ Bekah O'Brien, Author of Martha's Fun Summer

“It was a delight to refresh my love for the history surrounding our fight for independence from England. This book thrilled my heart and sparked my interest in our country's founding once again. A Different Kind of Courage is worth the time of any American who loves her country.”
~ Melinda Pound, Blogger and Founder of The Healthy Farm Girl

“A Different Kind of Courage was a creative story following the life of a young man caught in the middle of the American Revolution politics and his own emotional battle to live as a man true to himself and God.”
~ Alicia Willis, Author of From the Dark to the Dawn: A Tale of Ancient Rome.

And now for a giveaway!

Connect With Sarah Holman:

Author Bio:

Sarah Holman is a not so typical mid-twenties girl: A homeschool graduate, sister to six awesome siblings, and author of five published books and counting. If there is anything adventuresome about her life, it is because she serves a God with a destiny bigger than anything she could have imagined.

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