- The entry must be between 150 - 300 words. Otherwise, your entry will not be accepted. (In order to see how many words your entry is, write it in Microsoft Word, or you can copy and paste it here.)
- The deadline for the contest will be the following Friday.
- You do not have to be a teen to enter the contest.
- The same person cannot win first place two weeks in a row. (Some exceptions may apply.)
- If there is at least 5 entries, the panel of judges will select a 2nd and 1st place. If there is at least 10 entries, the judges will select a 3rd, 2nd, and 1st place. However, if there is under 5 entries, the panel of judges will only select one winner.
- If there are at least 10 entries, there will be a few Honorable Recognitions, which are the next highest winners. They will receive a badge, as well as 3 points.
- The winners will receive a badge for their blog, as well as extra points (see the point system below).
- The winner will be chosen based on the judges's preferences, as well as the following questions: Does this entry capture my attention immediately? Does it make me want to continue reading? Is the writing clear? They will also take into consideration the writer's voice and style--not necessarily technical issues, such as grammar, punctuation, etc.
- If you have entered at least 3 contests and have yet to place, send me an email and I will be happy to give you a critique of your last entry, which will include tips and suggestions.
- This is only for fun and to stretch your writing muscles--not necessarily to be taken too seriously. =)
- 30 points: You will be able to create your own prompt that will be used in Monday's Minute Challenge!
- 40 points: You will receive a critique based on your current week's entry.
- 50 points: You will receive a free blog critique and helpful suggestions.
- 70 points: You will receive an 700 word critique on your novel, short story, article, etc.
- 80 points: You can help judge one of the contests!
- 90 points: You will receive two weeks free in my Write Now Mentoring Program!
- 100 points: You will receive a free ebook of PURPLE MOON. =)
- 150 points: You will receive a personalized handmade notepad.
- 20 points: If you sign up for a month of my Write Now Mentoring Program!
- 5 points: If you post a review of Purple Moon on Amazon and/or Goodreads. (Let me know in the comments if you do!)
- 5 points: If you join the Purple Moon Publicity Group on Facebook. (You will have the chance to participate in monthly giveaways!)
- 3 points: If you cast your vote! (See the end of this post.)
- 3 points: If you post your entry on your blog, linking back to this post
- 2 points: If you post a tweet about Monday's Minute Challenge, with hashtag #MondaysMinute (You may tweet more than once in a week, however the points will only count for one tweet.)
- 2 points: If you follow this blog via Google Friend Connect. (Let me know in the comments if you do!)
- 2 points: If you "like" my Facebook page. (Let me know in the comments if you do!)
- 2 points: If you follow my Twitter account. (Let me know in the comments if you do!)
- 2 points: Become a "fan" of me on Goodreads. (Let me know in the comments if you do!)
- 2 points: Follow me on Pinterest. (Let me know in the comments if you do!)
- 2 points: If you respond to another person's entry. (Positive feedback only! You may respond more than once, however the points will only count for one response per week.)
- 10 points: If you win 1st place in the writing prompt contest.
- 7 points: If you win 2nd place in the writing prompt contest.
- 5 points: If you win 3rd place in the writing prompt contest.
- 3 points: You receive an Honorable Recognition.
Points Tracker:
- TW Wright: 68
- Mary B: 42
- Elisabeth: 45
- Funto: 9
- Benj. Evans: 30
- S. Brightly: 62
- Jacqueline: 50
- Rebekah B: 27
- Anna: 18
- His Princess: 40
- Tara T: 35
- Evan: 10
- Rcubed: 49
- Sarah: 40
- Jillian: 10
- Brooke: 12
- Kaley: 2
- Karina: 23
- Kaira Anne: 16
- Lottie Le: 4
- CeCe: 4
- Marsh: 3
*Points are updated every Monday.
*When you request to use your points for a prize, the points you use will be taken away from your total. In other words, when you reach 30 points, you can claim the prize for 30 points--but it will cost you all of your points. Or you can continue to try and earn points so you can claim a bigger prize.If you have entered at least 3 contests and have yet to win, please send me an email and I will be happy to give you a critique of your last entry and offer suggestions.
The judge panel chooses these winners based on a point system (not to be confused with the point system mentioned above!)
Since there were two entries that had the same amount of points for 3rd place, we have decided that they both deserved to place.
(Keep in mind that the judges are not aware of which entry belongs to which participant until after the judging is complete.)
The entries that the judges thought was the most intriguing (based on rule #4) is ...
Since there were two entries that had the same amount of points for 3rd place, we have decided that they both deserved to place.
(Keep in mind that the judges are not aware of which entry belongs to which participant until after the judging is complete.)
The entries that the judges thought was the most intriguing (based on rule #4) is ...
Third place winner (Tie):
It was the scariest thing I would ever face... but I also knew it was only my chance to find freedom.So I stepped onto the swaying bridge. Looking ahead, I could see the red eyes flashing back at me. I held my breath and took another step.I reached for the rope on the side, but it disappeared. I gasped and looked at the other side, the rope was gone there too. I froze, and slowly looked behind me.Slowly, each plank I had passed disappeared. I looked in front of me, were they disappearing too?This all seemed like the fairy tale Mother used to tell me every night. The fairy tale about the girl with a big fluffy “princess dress” who ran away thinking that what was on the outside of the castle was better than the inside.She ran and ran until she came to the bridge and had to make a choice—to give up or keep going. She decided to keep going. But after each step, the plank behind her disappeared.I shivered all over, she somehow had made it to the end, but then was taken as a prisoner.Instead of walking the rest of the way, I ran to the red eyes. When I reached the end, I looked up at them.They cackled endlessly, they grabbed me when I tried to run. My throat clogged up. I shook all over.It seemed like the walked for hours before they threw me into a pit of come sort.“No, please,” I screamed.“I’m no longer the only one here, am I?”I froze.
Third place winner (Tie):
“Tilly, RUN!” Pip jerked my hand, pulling me behind him.“I can’t! My dress!” I desperately tried to hold my blue skirt up out of my way.Our beautiful paper sky was busted, and strange black birds were flying through the hole. The last reader hadn’t caused problems, what was this reader doing to us? Did she hate our story? Why was she doing this to us?“Just RUN, Tilly! Mother won’t care if you rip it, just RUN!” My brother kept pulling me along. His eyes were full of horror as he looked at me. Nothing scared Pip. Ever. But this did. That was terrifying.I didn’t say anything because my mouth was full of my red hair. We both looked back. It was a terrible sight. Anything could enter the story, ruin it completely, and destroy us. At the time I never thought of the possibility of anything getting out.
Second place winner:
It was the scariest thing I would ever face… but I also knew it was my only chance to freedom. I wiped a tear of fatigue from my cheek as I stepped on the first stair. It held. I whispered a short prayer of thanks, finally beginning to breathe again. I climbed up the staircase about halfway before I stopped for a slight rest. As I lay there feeling as if in dream, I heard the pounding footsteps of my pursuers coming up the stairs that I myself had walked on merely a few minutes ago. I scrambled to my feet and picked up my long flowing skirts and ran for my very life, blinded by the fear that they had put into my mind. After running for a few minutes with the heavy footfalls only thirty-two steps on the winding staircase behind me, my skirt snagged on one of the stone stairs, throwing me back down part of the ominous staircase. “Come on boys, she’s down!” the leader shouted when he saw the state I was in, and all his followers threw their heads back with a terrifying gurgle of triumph.
First place winner:
The desert air turned cold as night fell. Chained with the other slaves, I tried to keep up the fast pace the merchants kept. Their heavy laden camels strained under the weight of figs and dates to be sold in the north, perhaps in Asia Minor or even Russia. The moon rose in the east, casting a pale light upon the caravan, showing me the scars on the backs of the heavyset man in front of me. His roughly cut hair fell in locks upon his weathered face. He was strong, that was easy to tell. His calf muscles tightened and bulged; he had endurance. I tried to see his face, but I couldn’t see his countenance clearly. From what I saw he held a peculiarly noble bearing. The yank of the chain woke me out of my curiosity. I had much to learn about being in captivity.
At last we came upon what looked to be an oasis. I saw the silhouettes of a few palms against the starry sky. The merchants started a fire and told us to sit. The man passed me a flask from which I took a greedy gulp of water before passing to the next man. I questioned the scarred man about his identity in hushed Arabic, hoping he would respond.
He said nothing, but drew an arc in the sand, then looked intently at me. A moment of silence passed. It was the scariest thing I would ever face, but I also knew it was my only chance to find freedom. I drew another symbol in the sand, and looked up at the man. The corners of his mouth turned upward and a light shone in his eyes.
“Well met, friend.”
Congratulations, Benj.! Click here for your badge. =)
These winners will receive a badge, as well as 3 extra points:
- Kaira
- Tara
- RCubed
Congratulations! Click here for your badge. =)
Thanks so much to everyone who participated!

- Submit your response in the comments below.
- Your response should range between 150 - 300 words.
- The deadline for the contest will be this Friday.
- Let me know which prompt you have chosen.
- If you'd rather not submit your post in the comments, you may email it to me instead.
1) Your response should range between 150 - 300 words, otherwise it will not be accepted. (Copy and paste your entry here to count the words, or you could write it on Microsoft Word.)
2) The deadline for the contest is this Friday.
Choose at least one:
- Write a passage continuing your entry from last week week (or whichever week you'd prefer). If you can, try to continue it using one of the following prompts.
- Write a passage using these items: sea shell, paper bag, and typewriter.
- Write a passage based on this picture.
- Write a passage using this piece of dialogue: "We will never be the same again."
Cast Your Vote!
We're going to try something new at Monday's Minute Challenge.
Since choosing the winners is such a time-consuming process for the judges, and since you already read each others responses, we have decided to give you the opportunity to take part in the judging process. =)
Here's how it works:
- You can vote for 3 entries per week, but you may not vote for yourself.
- You can only click "submit" once per week, so be sure to wait until you have selected your top 3 entries before casting your vote.
- Please do not vote until at least 7 entries have been submitted. (If you do before then, your vote will not count.)
- Only the participants of Monday's Minute Challenge may vote.
- Voting will only take place from Monday - Friday.
- We will choose the 3 people with the highest amount of votes, then select another 3 or 4 that we think deserve to win as well.
- From those 6 or 7 entries, we will then select the winners (including the Honorable Recognitions.)
You will also receive 3 points for voting. So when you are done, please post a comment below saying that you have casted your vote.
To vote, please enter the names of the 1 - 3 writers you are voting for below (or click here instead):
Current Judge Panel:
- Sarah Holman
- Penny Tritt
- Tessa Emily Hall (me)
- Kate Petty

What happened to rule#4, what was the exception?
ReplyDeleteIf the former 1st place winner receives a certain amount of points higher than the others (after the judging process has taken place), then this exception will be made. This is the first time that has happened, so we have not had to use this before.
DeleteI love this prompt, Tessa, thank you so much! =)
ReplyDeleteMine is actually not revolved around kidnapping this time. =P
TW Wright
So sweet :)
DeleteThat's very creative. Great job!
DeleteSo cute. :-)
DeleteI love, TW
DeleteIn Christ,
I'm doing the picture prompt.
ReplyDeleteAn empty boat.
An empty heart.
Can I ever find them?
I stepped carefully, staring at the boat just to my right. Was this the boat my parents had taken so long ago? When they entered this forest never to return? What terrible thing could make people vanish, leaving no trace of the King and Queen of Aridna and thousands of others? Questions raced though my mind, a kilometer a second, but the quiet serene forest whispered.
"Nothing to fear. Nothing to fear. Take in the beauty. Nothing to fear."
"Help!" A panicked scream rang though the quietness, making the forest atmosphere seem cold and foreboding. I ran through the forest, not stopping to make sure I moved noiselessly. No one was in sight. I searched the ground frantically, looking for any signs that might give me a clue, but the forest whispered it had all been a dream.
“Nothing to fear. Nothing to fear. Take in the beauty. Nothing to fear.”
A hand reached for me, grabbing my arms, roughly pinning me down. I screamed, but a man came into view his rugged face all too familiar.
So this is what happened to everyone in the forest.
He drew a knife, holding it to my back, I staggered forwards as the other man pushed me.
“Tell me where the kingdom's stores are, Princess.”
I stared up at him defiantly, refusing to back down.
“You've taken my parents, you've ravaged the kingdom. What more can you take that I care about?”
“Maybe your parents aren't dead.” he said, and I started.
“Maybe they're right over there,” my eyes followed his pointing finger.
GAHHHH!!! I want to read more! :D
DeleteThank you :)
DeleteI really should work on completing some of these some time. I am working on the first one with the never ending staircase.
Ohh I really like that. :)
All of everyone's entry's are great.
Great job Kaira, really liking it!! =D
DeleteAwesome job!
DeleteI don't know if you intended it, but it felt like I was reading three ... "flashes" ... of the story, which I think is a really awesome way to tell it! :)
DeleteTara, I didn't really intend it that way, but the way I used repetition, it kind-of breaks it up a bit. While I didn't do that intentionally, I think I meant to do it unconsciously. ;)
DeleteThank you every one :D
ReplyDeleteWow, Kaira. Good job. :)
I love it! Very vivid.
DeleteThat's a nice story. I like that it's about sisters; I've got two of them!
DeleteSo very good!
DeleteHi! I stumbled upon this blog the other day after I saw TW like one of the posts on Goodreads and decided to stop in! I think I'll do this challenge; it looks really fun!
ReplyDeleteBy the way, Tessa, Purple Moon looks really good! I'm adding it to my to-read list! :D
A-ha-ha, wow. Glad you are glad that you stopped by Christ is Write--and the challenges are awesome, Katheline. =)
DeleteIs it a book inside the boat in the picture prompt? It looks like it to me but I don't know. I wrote a prompt about a book in the boat only to realize maybe it isn't a book?
ReplyDeletethat's what it looked like to me too. =)
DeleteThanks! I guess it is a book, then. I was wondering if it was just my eyes but if two people concur then I think it's pretty safe. :)
DeleteHere is my entry: http://taratherese.wordpress.com/2014/04/08/mondays-minute-challenge-7/ I had a lot of fun doing this one!
ReplyDeleteVery cool Tara! :)
Cool, I don't think I would ever be able to write in second person. I prefer first person. :-) Though sometimes I write in third person.
DeleteThank you! I think it'll be hard to write an entire novel in second person. It could get a little ... draining? ... for the reader. But I thought I'd try something new. I find it easier to write first person than third person, although I like to read them both.
DeleteI was very intrigued by this one. :D
ReplyDeleteHere is my entry.
Very good Mary! :)
Love that, Mary!
DeleteIn Christ,
Hey, Tessa! I was wondering if the sentence prompt had to start the story or could it just be used in it?
It says 'using this piece of dialog," so I think you're fine as long as you use it in the story.
DeleteIt can be used anywhere in the entry, it doesn't need to start from the beginning. =) Thanks for asking!
DeleteThank you Kaira and Tessa! :)
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to read everyone else's entries:) Thanks Tessa and everyone else for judging the contest!
In Christ,
Sorry, I realized I had read the prompt wrong and edited it.
DeleteSo sweet! I love to read the sweet, happy ones. :)
DeleteReally good! I really, really, really liked it!
DeleteHi, I'm using the picture prompt. Hope you like it!
ReplyDeleteRachel glided easily through the forest, never pausing for a rest, even though the river was a good deal away from the village. Once the river was in view, she ran ecstatically to it. Rachel stopped herself a second too late, and fell into the raging water below. A few seconds later, a sopping wet head popped out of rushing river. With a mischievous grin plastered on her face, she swam over to the side of the river and climbed onto one of the many rocks. Laughing blissfully, Rachel let herself fall back into the river. She swam around for a few minutes, just enjoying life and being happy that she was finally away from Saturday cleaning. Whew! What a relief! Rachel thought slipping easily through the water. “Well, I guess I need find the bucket to get the water for mother.” Rachel grumbled leaving to look for the bucket and figure out a good excuse because she’d used the same one for four months. Rachel strolled along the river, when she noticed an unusual boat tied up along the rocky shore. Normally, she wouldn’t have noticed something like that, but today was no ordinary day for Rachel. She tried just looking for the bucket, but her curiosity got the best of her. She went to the boat. As soon as she got a good look at the boat, something hit her in the back of her head and she remembered no more.
Ooh, I love this... so something I would read! =)
DeleteThat was pretty good! What happens after she gets hit?
DeleteThe voting is now open!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the entries, everyone! Remember, you can continue to send them in until Friday. =)
Yay! Now I will probably spend the next hour staring at the computer screen, trying to decide which three are the best, lol. :)
DeleteI know! There are just so many good ones. I voted, btw.
ReplyDeleteCongrats to all the winners! I love that we're going to be able to vote! The only bad thing is... IT'S SO HARD!!!! :)
DeleteThe only down of voting ;)
There are some really talented writers out there. I am impressed by these snippets.
ReplyDeleteHere's mine, using two characters that are very near and dear to me. :) Prompt choice: Dialogue.
ReplyDeleteI don't care for memories, but two things are etched permanently into the corner of my mind; and they both involve the eyes of the girl who stole something from me that I didn't even know was there.
The first is the way her dark eyes looked fearlessly into mine the day she trusted me with her life. The second is this, this very moment, as those same eyes look at me with a horror I've only seen once before, as if she doesn't know me any longer.
The span of three feet between us feels like an utter impasse. All I want is to step over, grab her tight, and take her away from the pain written in those eyes. But to do that, I'd have to take her away from me.
So I stay where I am.
"Bird-" It's her pet name, the one I gave her. It was stupid until I realized it always made her smile. But now she recoils as if I'd hit her.
"Don't- call me- that..." she turns her head away from me.
"Kristen." I say her name, begging her. I'd get down on my knees if I thought it would do any good, if it would make her forget everything I'd just told her. "I know it's wrong, it's horrible, but I'm sorry." She of all people should know how hard those two words are for me to say. "Please, can't we-"
"We?" The sheer pain in her voice cuts me off. Her hands are white as she clenches them together. "We, Josh?" She raises her head, her eyes tearful and wounded, as if she's ripping out her own heart as she speaks. "We will never be the same again."
Wow, sad but very good.
DeleteThat is so good!!!!
DeleteThat is awesome! I love it. :D
Delete*Swipes away a tear* So good S. Brightly. :} I didn't really cry because I don't cry over books but if I did I would surely be balling.
Oh my word...
DeleteI have to admit that I am in the total ditto moment to HP. Seriously, that was excellent, S. Brightly. =)
Awww, thanks everyone!!
DeleteHere is my entry. I did the sentence prompt and it is 286 words. It is a continuation of the one I wrote about the mother and daughter who had lost their father. (Hope that makes sense)
ReplyDeleteMy eyes clouded with tears and my throat constricted as I tried to hold back the sob welling up inside of me. I watched my daughter place her dainty bouquet of flowers on my husband’s grave; the flowers that she insisted she pick for daddy. Jenny stood and took my hand. My four year old seemed to have aged years in just a couple of months. I had tried to make things the same as they had been before Johns death. I had tried to be the same mommy and make Jenny into the same child but somehow it wasn’t working. I knew it, Jenny knew it, our whole family knew it. The worst part was I hadn’t been able to figure out why it wasn’t working.
I saw it then. The grave reality of change stuck me. We will never be the same again. The thought haunted me. That was what I had been trying to prevent all these months. All this time I had tried desperately to cling to the shattered bits of my former life but it was impossible. We could never go back to being the same again, not after what had happened. I had to work on creating a new life for us and stop trying to prevent the old one from slipping away, for in reality, it was never in my hands to begin with. Alright Father. I prayed. I am ready to let go of the past and look to the future. Heal our broken hearts and lives and help us to start afresh. Our lives are in your hands. And for the first time in months, I felt the peace that passes all understanding steal into my soul.
Awww, so sad and yet so good. I don't remember the first one that you continued this off of (hope that makes sense)
DeleteI'm never going to be able to pick three...
DeleteHP, this might be my favorite that you've written! It's so sweet!!! =)
Yours is really good, HP! I love it!
DeleteThank you girls! Ya'll are so sweet. :)
I've voted!! Everyone's entries are awesome!!! =D
ReplyDeleteI posted my vote! Best wishes ya'll. :)
It was hard, but I voted.
ReplyDeleteIn Christ,
I voted. But all the entries were great!
ReplyDeleteI voted. Loved this weeks entries. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm doing the picture prompt!
ReplyDeleteI sighed as I walked through the peaceful forest towards the river. I looked back down at my map. Yes, this was where I was supposed to be. Right in between these two beautiful trees. But wait- I needed to take two more steps, maybe three. Oh, Jackson. Why was he so particular about where I was standing? I gazed into the water, just noticing the beautiful boat. It was sitting in the middle of the water as if it were abandoned, and some sort of book or journal was sitting on the middle seat. Oh yes, it must be what I think it was. It must have been all planned out perfectly. A romantic boat ride, a scrapbook of all the things we had done together in our relationship... no wonder he wanted it to be so perfect, for a proposal.
"Kayley." I heard the voice behind me and turned around. It was Jackson. "Kayley," he said, "there's something I need to tell you."
I could tell by the look on his face that something was wrong. Oh, no. This romantic boat ride I had imagined couldn't be a break-up ride, could it? Not on my watch!
"Anyway, I'll tell you about it later. Let's get in the boat," he said, motioning towards it.
We had been sailing down the river for some time when he finally looked up at me. It all seemed so perfect for a proposal. I was sitting on one end bench, he on the other, with the bench with the journal in the middle. "I know you think this is a break-up ride," he said.
I knew it; he could sense my thoughts. He had always done it before. "But," he gulped, "Kayley Sullivan will you marry me?"
"Yes," I said.
That was really sweet! I really like reading romantic stories.
DeleteHow DARE you use my last name?!?
DeleteJust kidding, I love it! :D
I'm continuing mine from last time. 279 words. :)
ReplyDeleteA week had passed since the argument. The three had barely spoken a word since. It was early Friday morning. Colton was getting ready to leave on a bike ride."Did you want to come, Sara?" he yelled into the living room.
"No," Sara said sadly.
"You don't have to sound so sad, Sara, just because David hasn't talked to you in three days."
"You just don't get it, Colton," she said, rolling her eyes.
"Sure, I never get anything," Colton mumbled as he walked out the door. Five minutes later, a car pulled into the driveway. Sara was overjoyed as she ran to the door. "David!" she called. Her smile slowly started to fade as she noticed the look on his face. He seemed upset about something. As he stepped up onto the porch, "Sara," he said, "we need to talk."
"About what?" asked Sara, sitting down on a chair.
"About....us," he said, looking as if he wished they weren't having this conversation. He sighed and continued on. "See, things aren't really working out as I had planned. I was expecting me and Colton to get along a little bit. And I also need to apologize; I didn't mean to put you in that situation last week."
"That's okay," said Sara, smiling. "It was more Colton's fault than yours."
"I know," said David, "but it was still my fault too."
Sara rolled her eyes. "Now, I know you didn't come all this way just to apologize to me. Now why are you here?"
He took a deep breath. "Sara...." he paused an instant. "Sara, will you marry me?"
"Yes!" screamed Sara, jumping up and down. David smiled, relieved.
Tried voting, but I don't think it went through. :/ Can I email the votes to you, Tessa?
ReplyDeleteYes, that's fine! =)
DeleteIt says voting is over. :(
DeleteI forgot to vote yesterday.
I'm sorry, Elisabeth! I would let you email me your votes now but I've already sent the entries to the judges. =/
DeleteOh, well. :)