- The story is only about your protagonist's salvation or learning a certain lesson.
- Your chapters are filled with scriptures and sermons.
- You're trying to get a point across rather than allowing a story to unfold.
- Create characters that your readers can relate with: imperfect people who struggle with sin and temptation, just like every human. People who are in need of a Savior who can heal their scars, make them new, and offer redemption.
- Offer Biblical solutions to the struggles your characters may face.
- Present real issues in a way that pulls people towards Christ rather than sin. Have your characters learn from their mistakes.
- "Tell" rather than "show". This may come as a surprise to you since writers are often told to show--but when there are certain "real" scenes that need to take place, it is often best to tell what happens instead. For example: He cursed rather than showing the actual word he said. Or telling an incident that happens--such as rape--without going into much detail. Or you can infer that it happens by ending the scene right before it takes place, although the readers are aware that it happens. (The Atonement Child by Francine Rivers accomplished this very well.)
Think of the Bible, for instance. If it were to become a full-length film, there is no doubt that it would be rated R. The characters are full of sin. It deals with issues that the world still faces today (adultery, rape, violence, just to name a few). And yet, it is still (obviously) the most popular and impactful Christian book in the world today.
Teens especially need clean, realistic stories. They're going to learn about certain issues one way or another--through music, television, school, friends, online, etc. We might as well present these to them first through the Christian perspective rather than through the world's. That way, they can learn about the negative impact and consequences before they may face the temptation for themselves.
(Side note: Being the youngest in my family, as well as the youngest of 13 cousins, I had the advantage of witnessing the consequences of certain actions before I was faced with them myself as a teenager. This is what a YA Christian fiction novel should accomplish--introducing an issue in a way that makes the young reader want to avoid going down that path. The world will make the sin look appealing; Christian fiction, on the other hand, should present these temptations in a way that influences the young reader to steer clear of it.)
Also, teenagers especially need to feel as if someone "gets" them. They don't like to feel alone. So when we incorporate struggles that teens face into our stories, they can then face their own situations by witnessing how the character dealt with theirs. (Which would then show them that the solution they are searching for can ultimately be find through Christ only.)
So don't be afraid of tackling tough subjects in your writing. You will probably accomplish more on a spiritual level when you write realistically rather than when you only write clean.
So don't be afraid of tackling tough subjects in your writing. You will probably accomplish more on a spiritual level when you write realistically rather than when you only write clean.
Speaking of clean YA books . . .
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I completely agree with you. Sometimes authors lay it on a bit thick and make their Christian characters too perfect. There was a series that my friend was letting me borrow that did just that. I couldn't stand to read it because the girl was just too perfect. I mean she cried and begged forgiveness for days because she cut her hair without asking.
ReplyDeleteWhen it is incorporated naturally, and the character has flaws, it becomes beautiful.
I think my favorite Francine Rivers series was Mark of the Lion. It was set in ancient Rome and so it dealt with some..... unsavory things, but she did the tell not show and it worked out fine.
Your new website sounds great! I'll go check it out!
I've never read Mark of the Lion, but I am definitely wanting to read more of Francine Rivers novels. The only two I've read of hers so far are Redeeming Love & Atonement Child. She's a genius at writing "real" yet clean, impactful fiction. =)
DeleteShe definitely is. I haven't read Redeeming Love or Atonement Child yet, but I would certainly like to!
DeleteYou both need to read the Last Sin Eater! It's my favorite Francine Rivers book by far!
DeleteI just read a book called the Basket of Flowers. It was much like you described Jacqueline. The girl was perfect, and yet she didn't get prideful, she went through some super tough things and she cried for forgiveness even though all she did was sometimes cry and ask why once or twice. The only reason I kept reading was 1) It was for school and 2) To see if she would become human anytime during the book. I also felt it was very preachy, and the author even in the note told what the message was, like we wouldn't get it two pages in.
ReplyDeleteI think people learn a lot more through stories that show the character growing through a painful, and realistic process.
Loved the post Tessa Emily. :)
Exactly. Readers need to see growth in characters--if they're already perfect from the beginning, what else do they have to learn in the story? And how will they change by the ending?
DeleteThanks, Brooke!
I don't recall what the books were called. It was a series of like 12 or so books. They were hardcover with a pink cover, I remember that. I only kept reading them because my friend kept assuring me that they were really good. I gave up after book 4 I think. I definitely think readers learn through character growth. They don't have to be awful people in the beginning, just real. They can be good and still have flaws. Melody Carlson does a good job with this. A lot of her main characters have made a lot of mistakes, some that most people would consider "big ones", and yet they are still good people and it shows. And some of her characters just have normal flaws. They lie sometimes, or don't always obey, but through the book you see them struggle and overcome that. That is what makes a book have impact, is the characters struggle.
DeleteMy favorite book series that is not preachy but clean is The Chronicles Of Narnia by C.S. Louis
DeleteI LOVE Narnia. It's my favorite fantasy/allegories ever.
DeleteI an working on a story over on my blog that to some extent is supposed to be a analogy of the life of Christ.
ReplyDeleteWhy did you not make readingclean a blogspot site that would have made more sense to me cause you already have a blogger account.
ReplyDeleteHey Tessa, is it fine if i invite my 13 year old cousin to join readingclean he loves books more than i do and i realy love my books
ReplyDeleteCan i invite my girlfriend to join cleanreads.com
ReplyDeleteOf course you can. =)