Today my awesome cousin Jeremy is here to share a bit of what God has been teaching him about overcoming the mountains in his life through faith and hard-work. And just so you all know, this guy has a lot of faith. Seriously. And he is probably one of the most hard-working 19-year-olds that I know. God has blessed him for this, too. So when he tells us about what God has taught him on "heading up the mountains", he knows what he's talking about! (And yes, that is me in the picture with him.)
Heading High
You know that exhausted feeling you get while you're doing a strenuous task or workout, when you feel as if you can no longer continue? Yes, that one. The one that cuts the time of your task almost in half.
Okay, I know you know what I'm taking about because I believe we've all tried it at some point or another. We run, but when we reach a mountain we try to go around it. We become fearful when we see our enemy face to face. We get discouraged when we see how big and vast his armies are. Not only do we go around them, but the speed we once had - our confidence - is gone. How could we ever charge up that mountain, let alone run again? I'll tell you - when you reach a mountain in your life, instead of backing away, run up!
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."
~Joshua 1:9
Whenever temptation is placed in front of you, withstand it! You have to submit yourselves to God, as James 4:7 says, and resist the devil so that he can flee from you. If you start thinking that you can't do it, read Philippians 4:13~
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
With God on our side, we won't just be jogging up mountains. We'll be charging up them! Whenever you feel like you cannot face whatever task is set before you, clear your mind of the negative thoughts and equip yourself with your new confidence - God. Equip yourselves with His armor. Remember these verses so you'll be equipped the next time an obstacle is in the way. Don't run around it.
"Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil."
~Ephesians 6:11
So the next time your enemies are mocking you and blocking your path, go the extra mile - show your confidence. Sure, your enemies may be strong, but God is much stronger. He's got your back! Don't listen to the voices, the thoughts, or whatever it may be that keeps telling you that you can't do it. Listen to your heart, and let God's confidence burst through you. Give your all for God! I mean come on, didn't he give His all for you? Don't make excuses or find quick shortcuts. Do as Colossians 3:32 says and work as if you're doing it for God, not for people.
Ever since I've taken this mentality I've gotten a lot more accomplished, have had no problem overcoming temptations, and have traveled up many mountains that I myself would never have been able to go up alone. Don't think twice about heading up a mountains' steepness. Just charge up. God won't just be leading you to the top, but He'll lead you to victory and high-soaring rewards. You can be sure of that!
Visit Jeremy's blog
"The Storms Within".
"The Storms Within".
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ReplyDeleteGreat post! Thanks for featuring him! So nice to hear from men of the faith.