Thursday, June 14, 2012

Writer's Inspiration

“I shall live badly if I do not write,
and I shall write badly if I do not live.”
~Francois Sagan

"God is so awesome and so multifaceted
that we need a variety of means to communicate about him.
Every genre contributes something to the wealth of fiction -
literary, mystery, historical, thriller, women's fiction,
fantasy, science fiction, contemporary, and more.
Whichever kind of fiction God calls you to write,
it can give new glimpses of him and serve his Kingdom on earth,
and that makes every day a good day for fiction."
~Sharon Hinck

"So long as you write for any other purpose than to glorify God,
you will not be writing for the right reasons.
And therefore you will not be fulfilled...
God is your audience. He is your target reader.
He holds you on His lap while He delights to hear
you read the story you wrote for Him."
~Jeff Gerke

"When we as writers take our fears, beliefs,
imaginations, and research and offer them up for the Lord to use,
we are changed, and our fiction carries the power of truth
and the fingerprints of our God on every page."
~Amy Wallace

"You hold the pen of hope and healing,
you who tell of fear and feeling.
Power to touch the jaded soul;
power to make the broken whole.
To entertain, to intertwine,
to take us back in tests and time.
Write you must - now go from here;
write and keep the Savior near.
Now, Spirit, lead us every page;
through our words, be center stage.
Give us love for those who read;
give us words so they might see.
Author God, now through your power
guide us from this very hour.
Let us tell of love and light
and grant us strength so we might write."
~Karen Kingsbury

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